Facebook for cocos 3.3 and up

Hi does cocos2d 3.3 and up supports facebook? I’m following this sample http://cocos2d-x.org/wiki/Facebook_integration_instruction_for_Cocos2d-x_and_Cocos2d-x-Lua_on_android
but I couldn’t find android.library.reference.2=…/cocos2d/plugin/plugins/facebook/proj.android/DependProject on my cocos directory

Do you use c++ or LUA ? if C++ , please take a look at this.

please tell me if you have problem with it.


I use c++, I haven’t encountered that yet. My current problem now is I don’t have facebook plugin on my cocos 3.3

what do you mean you dont have facebook plugin? it automatically created in plugin folder.

This is all I have

@arie333 Is there any script I should run for me to be able to get facebook plugin?

I download 3.3 again and I have facebook now. now my problem is my project couldn’t locate these:

import org.cocos2dx.plugin.PluginWrapper;
import org.cocos2dx.plugin.FacebookWrapper;

when I try to run gameDevGuide.sh I get

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./toolsForGame/main.py", line 5, in <module>
    Plugins = sys.argv[1]
IndexError: list index out of range

I had to change the main.py myself. Not really sure about it, I changed sys.argv[1] to sys.argv[0] and successfully passed gameDevGuide.sh. But, my project still can’t find the ff:

import org.cocos2dx.plugin.PluginWrapper;
import org.cocos2dx.plugin.FacebookWrapper;

I always manually run \plugin\tools\publish.sh
That creates all the plugins and puts them in \plugin\publish

@MFHSchoonbrood manually means running them in cmd/terminal right? I did that already. What’s next?

You need to import it into eclipse and then do Step 7 from the link on the wiki (from your original post).

So import FB_LibProject_complete from the \plugin\plugins\facebook\proj.android\DependProject.
And then continue with the guide…

Do you download GWAK plugin for mac.
This is The link :

that is required for running gameDevGuide.sh.

The essential for my instruction is running gameDevGuide.sh. If you cant run it, the rest instruction is useless.

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ok thanks! Ill try it.