Critical Memory usage problem

Hi @pandamicro @nite @slackmoehrle

Please check attached images, I compiled blackjack sample code for iOS then tried running the game on my iPhone 6+.

As showed on first image, I just launch the app through xCode on my phone, then left the game at menu scene, do nothing, memory usage kept increasing

On second image, I tested by switching back and forth between menu scene and table scene, memory usage dramatically increasing then came to situation when os kill the game due to memory overuse.

Can you guys take a look and provide a solution please.

Thanks. I will ask the team to look at this

I think there is memory leak problem. Look at attached image I captured from Memory Leaks Instrument

Hi @slackmoehrle

Have you had any clues about this issue. This not only happen with iOS, it also happens with Android

I have the same problem.

@panda @nite @owen @pandamicro do you guys have any idea about this issue? I’m in optimization phase but have no clue or guidance.
Memory leak happens all on web, iOS and Android. I use only cc.director.loadScene API to switch between scenes.
I posted another issue about memory here Memory not being cleared when moving between scenes

Hopefully, this issue can be fixed in the upcoming release of 1.4…? God Bless…



Did you find a solution for this leak problems?

@trungnt85 any update on this? Did you got any leaks with your games?
Im facing the same issue with my game…

@jrosich it’s actually leaks with my code, one of my college looked into and fixed it. Not like other strict language like java, c, it’s easy to get leak with javascript, especially with setTimeout function

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Thanks for the feedback.