Cocos2dx android api 19

i try to compile cocos2dx android by command line

cocos compile -p android --android-studio

in android-19,android-ndk-r11c and cocos2dx 3.13.1

i am getting error

/ error: undefined reference to 'atof'
/ error: undefined reference to 'atof'
/ error: undefined reference to 'srand'
/ error: undefined reference to 'rand'
/ error: undefined reference to 'srand'
/ error: undefined reference to 'rand'
/ error: undefined reference to 'atof'
/ error: undefined reference to 'rand'
/ error: undefined reference to 'rand'
/ error: undefined reference to 'srand'
/ error: undefined reference to 'srand'

but when i am using android-22 it works fine.

but i need android 19 for android version= 4.4–4.4.4

Possible solution

Adding “APP_PLATFORM=android-19” to “” fixed my issue.

sorry @energyy

Adding “target=android-19” to “” does not fixed my issue.

change cocos2dx/build.gradle to compile & target 19, then clean and build.