Cocos2dx 3.2 can't read *.csb File . Result NULL

  • *I’m using cocos2dx 3.2 . The old .csb file which were created by cocosStudio 2.0 then it can’t load , result = NULL. my code these following:

//0. Header cocosStudio declaring :

#include “ui/CocosGUI.h”

using namespace ui;

//1.set path to ROOM Folder

std::vector<std::string> vtStr;

*//2.Load .csb FILE

auto __root = cocostudio::GUIReader::getInstance()->widgetFromBinaryFile(“room/main_scene.csb”);

above result : __root always NULL .

I’ve downloaded Cocostudio 2.0.2 lastest in present. But the bug still happend. Please help me to fix it !

Thanks all you !

Please report bug here:

thanks you !

moving to “cocos2d-x” subforum.

( Apparently the “cocos2d-x dev discussion” is not a good name since a lot of people are posting off-topic threads )

use cocos studio 1.6 with cocos2dx 3.2

any update on this issue, I’m using cocos studio 2.0.2 with cocos2dx 3.3rc2 in mac, cocostudio::GUIReader::getInstance()->widgetFromBinaryFile always return null

breaks here

template T ReadScalar(const void *p) {
return EndianScalar(*reinterpret_cast<const T *>§);

my Project preparing to start. How can i choose version to develop it !
Sillyatom, what 's version you using now ? can you help me ?

if i’m using cocos2dx 3.2 with cocos studio 1.6, i have no problems except in android where clippings are not working as intended. Say you have a scroll view in your UI layout with cropping, then it will produce unexpected results, not crash though only visually. But you can fix the issue by adding a line of code you can find here ClippingNode to mask. So my personal opinion is cocos2dx 3.2 with cocos studio 1.6.

Thanh you Sillyatom,
Y_Y oh my god . I’m using MACOS . So the COCOS_STUDIO version 1.6 not available in there.

This issue seems to be there for a long time
which blocks devs from testing the samples from repo

anyone bothered to fix this yet or upgrade it to latest versions.
if not woking on other’s system, repo is not of any use right. !!

Please fix/upgrade the repo so that it works with latest version of cocos.

EDIT: although this issue is not with latest version of Cocos.
but it is surely present in the repo link given above.
