【Cocos2d-x3.0 Made easy Lesson2】How To Start A New Game

@utilae thank you for share

Hello, can someone please explain how to set up Cocos2d-x for Windows 7? I’m interested in creating an Android application but every tutorial I can find, including the above, is for someone with a Mac who can run XCode. I have no idea how to run bash commands in CMD if that’s even possible. Here’s what I’ve done so far:

  • Installed the Android SDK, NDK, etc.
  • Installed Cocos2d-x 3.0 (note: the file arrangement is different than in version 2, making it difficult to use old tutorials).
  • Installed Visual Studio 2013
  • Installed Eclipse

I want to create my app in C++ but I’m stuck. I simply have the programs but not the knowledge to set anything up.

I’d appreciate any help or redirection to a recent (<2 months old) tutorial in good English and with specific directions.


Have a look here for Win 7 + VS 2012: http://cocos2d-x.org/wiki/How_to_run_cpp-tests_on_Windows

Have a look here for Android (terminal based): http://cocos2d-x.org/wiki/How_to_run_cpp-tests_on_Android

Have a look here for Android (Eclipse based): http://cocos2d-x.org/wiki/How_to_Build_an_Android_Project_with_Eclipse

@noname1990 ok! I reference it