[cocos2d-x v3.8 rc0] IOS Simulator linking error

Using xcode, I’ve built to test on device, everything runs fine.
When I switched to simulator, xcode got error when linking:
“…libcocos2d.a(ftbase.ios8_x86_64.o), building for iOS simulator, but linking in object file built for OSX, for architecture x86_64”

I guessed it was because of linking wrong file of freetype2 library but xcode showed the linked library had been already in the “ios” folder:

Does anyone have any ideas?

Get libfreetype.lib from v3.7, everything’s back to normal :sweat:

So the problem is related to freetype.lib?

Yeah. I haven’t checked the 3.8 final. But when I replaced lib from v3.7, no prpblem at all.

Thanks, We will fix it soon.

Same issue in Final Cocos2d-x 3.8

This issue have been fixed at

We are publishing v3.8.1 to support Xcode 7 officially

Hi All,

Can someone please help me with this?

Continuing the discussion from Socket.IO Extention Update - 1.x working with 0.9.x backwards compat:

When 3.8.1 will be officially released? Will it have more fixes ?