Cocos2d-x 3.0 Online Party

Thanks for you reply :smiley: i feeling happy now

About cocos2d-html5, what Classes you will recommend to do GUI for mobile web?
ccui classs seems work well with cocostudio in best practice?
basic ui class, like cc.EditBox, is a good base class to be extend by custom class?
I am developing game in mobile web, but always frustrated in speed of animations, GUI, resolutions, only canvas issues.
Hope someone can provide more guides and best practices about cocos2d-html5 on mobile web.

I just remembered. How about wrapper functions to push notification services such as Appleā€™s push notifcation service, Urban Airship etc?

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Just a suggestion. I think that we need more books in English, as most of them are in Chinese and Korean.

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We donā€™t write books, however we can help you write books, like reviewing and publisher connection


Now we call it Cocos2d-JS, :slight_smile:
You can use ccui extension, it can do some layout also.
cc.EditBox is a very good choice on web
For performance issues on canvas, we are refactoring our renderer system, and in Cocos2d-JS 3.1, you will have a brand new renderer which is like 30% - 50% speed up than the current system

Came across this yesterday, looks good. Main issue we have with external plugins is that they may or may not get updated as the main engine advances hence why integrated would be best but for now that looks interesting.

Would love this feature for all platforms :smiley:

Thanks for the response, nevermind about the questions for box2d, I was thinking of the latest cocos2d which has only chipunk as default for physics library. Iā€™ll just look forward to your great plans. cheers!

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We have just finished a essential guide to Cocos2d-x book in C++ and it is in English. It is currently being reviewed by the publisher and should be released September/October.


Refactor the animated sprite code to use less lines of code. Now it is

Vector<SpriteFrame*> animFrames(15);
char str[100] = {0};
for(int i = 1; i < 15; i++)
sprintf(str, ā€œgrossini_dance_%02d.pngā€,i);
auto frame = SpriteFrame::create(str,Rect(0,0,40,40)); //we assume that the spritesā€™ dimentions are 40*40 rectangles.

just to create a vector of sprite frames. So better to refactor it and put it in an official cocos2d-x function?

Question, we are trying to implement moving Physics bodies using the built in Physics system and we want the bodies to remain at a constant velocity even when they collide with each other. How can we do this? We have been struggling with this. Help would be appreciated.

Looking forward to it!

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Great news

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It is indeed :smiley:

you can set the weight to be very high, but it will still result in very slight deviation

another thing you could do is to store its velocity vector before impact, and set it to that value during the impact callback

What do you mean by super-animation ?

To be honest, the current AnySDK API design (inherited from plugin-x) is ugly, the only thing I satisfy is that, it works.


Weight as in mass?

Also how would you know what the velocity should be after as technically the direction has changed.

Good to hear somebody from the team agrees.