Cocos2d-x 3.0 Online Party

The discussion is for general Cocos2d engine

Opening URL’s

Cocos2d-x needs to simply be able to open URL’s as this is a commonly used feature in games to for example take the user to the developers web page.

Such as



do you mean the cocos3d-x?

no, its an experiment branch
However we are adding 3d support to cocos2d-x, in 3.2 you will be able to use FBX models, including animation support


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Have you tried 3.0 new event dispatcher ? It’s been much easier than 2.x

For now just leaderboards and achievements not actual multiplayer but that would be something that would be cool and I believe would help Cocos2d-x shine above the other engines.

looking forward to the plugin-x refactor. i finally figured out how to get a plugin working on android, despite the broken documentation. i hope the documentation is kept up to date with the changes!

Thanks to dev team! Cocos2d-x is awesome!!
And here is my question:
Is there any way to check memory leak in Cocos2d-x?

in 3.0, we have revamped the touch system, not it uses the event listener system.
if listeners are attached to nodes, priority will be decided by their draw order
this should fix your problem

Agreed the documentation needs to be kept up to date along with the latest version with better English support.


This still need server side support, for now, we don’t have plan on server side stuffs, but maybe there is some game server engine runs well with Cocos2d?

What are your future plans for cocos2d-x?
-> We have many plans and which one would you want to know

Will cocos2d-x affected by the new apple programming language swift?
-> We are interesting on swift, but there is no plan right now

When are you planning to support the latest spritebuilder?
-> I’m sorry but it is no longer supported any more.

Can box2d still be use without any conflicts?
-> What do you mean by conflicts? JSB ?

Thank you for your suggestions~
We will consider them

This time we will provide a complete documentation, but plugin-x refactor will firstly arrive on Cocos2d-JS

Have you tried Visual Leak Detector? It’s worked for me. :slight_smile:

Ive seen engines that support Cocos2d-x but for actual multiplayer but not leaderboards and achievements using Google Play Games and Game Center.

You can use Xcode instrument

enhance cocoscodeide for developer ,Improve the efficiency of development

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Hi, I am integrating the google game play services into the Cocos2d-x engine recently, just like a plugin. Thank you for your support.

Great, any eta when it will be done and will that be for iOS and Android?

What do you think is best suited for a development environment for developing Cocos2d-x? Visual Studio on Windows? Xcode on Mac? Or Cocos Code IDE?

@Wuhao and @fusijie recently finished a game with Google Play, maybe they can share some tutorials or plugins