cocos2d-x 3.0 complie android -- tell "Couldn't find the gcc toolchain.".. what's happen? please help

my NDK_ROOT like this,
$ echo $NDK_ROOT

but os.path.isdir(’/cygdrive’) also return false . then i check cygdrive like this:
$ ls -il | grep cygdrive
2 dr-xr-xr-x 1 Guest None 0 二月 9 22:45 cygdrive
i try to change cygdrive’s permission ,but failed.i don’t know what cases the problem?

Hi, People
Didn’t got time to build using “cocos console” as I have to move to Virtual Machine due to some official environment issues. It’s runs perfectly using on VM

I have the same problem m using the 3.4 cocos2d-x