cocos2d js v3.0实现android第三方sdk

用cocos new创建项目后,想实现调用android第三方sdk,请问怎么实现

You will need to write JAVA/C++ code to invoke the third party SDK, then you can construct an interface between C++ and JS with custom JS Binding.

How to call c++ from js in v3.0?

@pandamicro how to call and callback from android from JS,could you give us some example?



@pandamicro how to call and callback from android from JS.

cocos2d html5 2.2.3

we want to get some data in the step “pay” ( with iapppay)

could you give us some example?

In cocos2d-js 3.0 beta, plugin-x will be supported. And in cocos2d-js 3.0rc, we will add cc.reflection to call Java/Object-c static method in js directly.