Cocos2d-JS Game Competition - Join with a game of yours or others'!

ok :frowning: ,sin I have just finished a video game

You can try out Cocos2d-JS for your next game, hope it will bring you a wonderful experience

Just a small doubt… If a game’s prototype is completed.
I mean if only one level is completed which is playable and will give idea of how the entire game would be. But the rest of the game where more levels and fun elements are developed.
Then this game is to be counted as Incomplete Game or Complete Game category?

I think it should be incomplete but just for confirmation I am asking… :smiley:

:smile: You can post in both category, then our event host @chen will do what she thinks right.

Haha, this is what she specifically mentioned that, don’t post the same game in 2 categories :smiley:

Anyways, I think I should post it in incomplete category, because although it is the playable game but it is not with all the levels and cool graphics… So, I will assume it to be more than 60% complete at the time of submission…

Anyways, thanks :slight_smile:

Hi, guys, thanks for participating; you guys are awesome! The event is ended for now, and we’ll let you know the result soon!:slight_smile: Hope you all can receive some gift from Cocos2d-x!~

Thanks to all participants! And congrats to the winners; for complete games:@ray58750034 @nekobako @Kirils_Buls @lucker;

for incomplete games: @unnamedzc @zloty @paqman @catch_up @kowciany @ZippoLag
Please email your personal info. needed to receive our gifts(name, address, zip code, contact number) at
Thanks again!

Sent! Thanks! :smiley:

sent in chinese :smile:

Hi, so I’m still missing the info. of @lucker @unnamedzc and @kowciany (ps. let me know your name at the forum too in the email~) I’m sending out the awards this Friday, so please give your info. in 48 hours!:slight_smile:

I think I have already sent it yesterday, you havenot received it yet? I wrote it by chinese

Hehe, do you know Chinese or did you just try google translator for giving your humor a try :stuck_out_tongue:
Haha, you’re awesome, if you did so…
Sorry if you find it intervening…

Opp! I will send it again by English

I’ve sent it last night, @chen . =]
Thank you!

I have sent it last night @chen Thanks

Hi all packages sent a few days ago, if you could let me know when you receive it, that’d be awesome!~
Tracking number(sorted by countries):
EA070081054CN - Japan
EA070081010CN - Brazil
EA070081045CN - Latvia
EA070081037CN - India
EA070080986CN - France
EA070080990CN - Argentina
EA070081006CN - Poland (piotr)
EA070081023CN - Poland (tomasz)

Hi, thanks
I received the package :smile:
EA070081037CN - India


Oh! I hadn’t seen the tracking codes reply!

I’ve received EA070080990CN - Argentina just fine, thanks! It’s an awesome gift guys :smiley: