Cocos Studio or Photoshop?

I’m new to Cocos2d and I’m developing a new game for the very first time.
My background is web development/design so I am very comfortable with JavaScript and Photoshop so I’m using Cocos2d-JS.

My question is,
Should I bother learning the Cocos Studio environment or can I create all my assets and sprites using Photoshop? Is there any benefit to using Studio over Photoshop?


Hi, I think you don’t understand what Coco Studio is.

Photoshop is a tool for drawing and create your sprites but Coco Studio don’t have that capabilities… The closest comparison is Flash and Coco Studio, but the difference is that in flash you can create your assets like in photoshop but animate them too. Coco Studio is a tool for do something with your created sprites.

For example If you want to do any animation with your assets you can use Flash (and import the files in Coco Studio with LWF, cocostudio plugin, etc) or do it directly using Coco Studio…

All you need are here: Cocos Studio 2 Feedback

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Thanks for your reply.
That cleared up a lot of things for me :smile: