Cocos Studio 2 Feedback

Hi I was wondering if there was a way to show the assets that will be cut off outside the device boarder so it’ll be easier to tell where the boarders are if you have a big background on the scene(like a sky) for multiple resolutions

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I think it would be nice to add rotation and opacity as animation timeline frames for more cool animations for your project

timeline callbacks can also be very useful

Cocos studio creators, can you look at this topic?: Cocos studio 2.2.6 very buggy on mac os

Creating a cocos studio project say at resolution 640x960 and add some basic assets to the scene. Make sure everything is centered and properly aligned. Running it on the simulator the scene is properly centered.

When I try to run it on Mac, Android, iPhone the scene isn’t centered in the viewport.

How do I handle this?

have you looked this post, you mostly change the code around Multi resolution Support for Cocos Studio 2 problem solved! :D

Thank you that seemed to have fixed thing for me.

rotation and opacity are supported in the animation editor, so is timeline callbacks. If you are not able to edit the opacity or rotation for the key frame, try enabling auto frame recording.

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V2.2.8 is out and where can I see the Changelog?

I don’t recommend you to use 2.2.8 :smiley: I installed it, published my project and all ui::Buttons disappeared. Don’t know why. Their properties (position, scale, visible, opacity etc) were ok. So I had to revert to 2.2.6.

You can see the changelog in cocos store.

It’s working here :smiley:

2.2.8 doesn’t add button images to the exported texture so they becomes hidden!
Tried to rollback and download 2.2.6 from here:
As you can see only Mac version is available in download history.

So I’m not alone in this problem :slight_smile:

Just scroll down, there are windows versions.

Hello everyone,
I checked the cocos studio 2.2.8 in few days, it look greate, i love the ides you put everything together, but i am wondering that the way you use to make animation, is it a new way( no bone in the future)? i ask this because, i need my artist to try this tool( we used the skeletal to make the animation before )
Thanks in advance

Hi @nite,
There is the opacity value for the Label shadow which is calculated from Color4B passed into Label::enableShadow() method. But there is no way to set shadow opacity in CocosStudio (v2.2.9). The color which user can set has RGB format. Please add RGBA support for this option to the editor.

Btw. There is also glowing property available for the label in framework but it is not supported by CocosStudio? Why?

@NC1988 you can still use the “old” skeletal animator which can be downloaded via cocos store.

Hi @Michael, thanks for your reply,
i knew the skeletal animator 1.6, but it still not good enough for making some thing more complicated( my artist’s feedback :smiley: ), because he used to using AE, and spine to create the skeletal animation. they are totally better than cocos now. so i just want to know that there are a tool you guys are still working to improve the old Cocos Skeletal Animation Editor. if yes , i’m waiting for that :D. no :frowning: , i will use spine for next project

I think the old one isn’t in development anymore. I think cocos studio 2.x will have a skeletal animator in the near/far future. I would say you should use spine if you already have the license and maybe in some months there is a skeletal animator inside of cocos studio.

But why would you come back to the skeletal animator after you have licensed Spine?

It would need to be superior to Spine, which is hard to achieve. Spine is not standing still either :smiley: