Cocos Framework 3.8.1 - no windows phone solution created

I think we are/were having some compatibility issues that we asked Microsoft for help with. Let me follow-up on the status of this.

Nice, I am looking forward for an answer from you.

Any news on this problem?
I have read about the cocos gen-libs, but I don’t know how to make use of this. Could someone provide some information on how this can be used when creating windows phone apps?

Have a nice day!


Here is the guide of cocos gen-libs

It generating prebuilt library.

I don’t think it help on creating windows phone apps as what you need is windows phone template to create project.

Can I do this for windows phone?

Thank you for the link, I have read it before posting on this thread.
Yeah, that’s the odd thing, that there is no template shipped, for windows phone / win 8.1 universal app, and only for win32. Maybe some stuff is not working with the WinRT.

As far as I can tell, not at this moment, due to the reasons stated by @Zinitter.

Hope that will get more information form the developers.


I found out that Cocos2d-X GitHub have the templates but don’t know why they not shipped with engine.


Agree, but I have no idea on how to use this templates with the prebuild libs, or with the cocos framework.
Using the cocos2d-x-3.8.1 from the download page and running the command to generate the project will create the windows phone project, but the size of the project created is huge. So I tried to use the cocos framework, but there is no windows phone template generated.


I have no idea on how to create the windows phone project.

So lets wait @slackmoehrle to update the status.

I’m also trying to get this to build on Windows Phone. What’s the latest version that still has a functional WP8 project, and where can I download it?

Well, I think this is a bump… That reduced project size and compilation time would’ve been so good, but will use what we can.

So, one thing I noticed is that if you are using source and not the framework, a Windows phone project is created. I will file this as a bug.


Sorry, Windows Phone haven’t been supported by Cocos Framework yet, if you want to target to Windows Phone, please use Source Code Engine instead

Great to hear an answer to the question. But now there’s one more question, where’s an issue and when it’d be available :slight_smile: ?

Thank you for the official reply. I hope there will be a change in the development of the Cocos Framework so it will support Windows Phone. Great work anyway, and thank you for the effort.
Have a great day!

will it be supported in future??if yes then when?if not,then do you any way to bypass it?(for ex convert win32 somehow into Universal project).

Thanks in Advance… :smiley:

@slackmoehrle you have mentioned on github that “The user can always is cocos new to create a Windows phone project, then decide to add in the pre-built libraries if they choose…”.how can i add my windows phone Project to pre-built libraries?suppose i have created a cocos studio project,and now i want that this can also run on windows phone.How can i achieve it.please elaborate.

Tahnks in advance… :smiley:


Do you have news about this problem ? For to use Addmob on proj.win8.1-universal or have a project proj.wp8-xaml on the last cocos2d-x version ?

In advance thanks,

We don’t provide windows versions of the pre-compiled framework yet. Use the source for this.

Thanks for your answer, do you know what is the best way for do that ?