Cocos Creator Survey - provide your feedback

Hello Community,

If you are using Cocos Creator (or tried and had difficulties), can you please provide us feedback?

Survey is here

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This is now open to everyone.

Just passed the survey. The first question was the most difficult for me, because i did not want to pick any of the items ))

I think the editor is awesome, and you are moving in the right direction. From my side, i would like to see the Cocos Creator more brave to leverage the modern tools (as opposite to being conservative).

Seriously, not just for creator, please consider implement ECS/Component based system.
It has been discussed far too long time ago

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I just want to note that both this thread and this one: Cocos Creator 1.0.2 released!
Do not appear in the Creator sub-Category.

They are announcement but I will change them

I don’t know but I found survey to be a bit incomplete!

Also…last ques should be multiple choice as it asked in questions ‘which toolS’
And also regarding that, I would say that built-in level-editor and built-in physics body edtior tool I would prefer the most! They’re present in spritebuilder and is available for cocos since very long. I am not sure if there is plan for these 2 things but would love it in cocos creator.

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Agreed :+1:

Thanks everyone for the feedback. It will be passed along to the engineering team.

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I have been using ccocos creator from about last 3 months, and I have found quite few difficulties. But out of all the things which actually irritates me is that I cannot change the property of multiple selected nodes form hierarchy, for which I have do all one-by-one which consumes a lot of time.
Please fix this functionality soon. :smile:

thank you…

@Undercode thank you for the feedback. @nantas2 please review this feedback.

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When can we view the results of the Cocos Creator Survey feedback? Thanks and God Bless…

