Cocos Console Disclaimer

When user first run cocos via terminal we’ve got now a nice disclaimer, which said:

Cocos collects data when the command-line tools are used for development. 
This data is examined in the aggregate only and is used to continually innovate and improve Cocos products. 
This data is anonymous and includes, but is not limited to, a unique hardware identifier, version number our software
and information on which tools and/or services in Cocos products are being used and how they are being used. 
We take your privacy seriously and we do not share or sell any of this data. You can opt-out from sharing this data with us, 
but by sharing you help contribute to growth of Cocos.

Do you agree to sent the data? [Y]es, [N]o

I’m totally agree with sharing my anonymos data with Cocos developers, but there is one big problem with such approach in my case - first call to cocos console happens from gitlab-CI-Runner :smile: script for building my project via github CI and it problematically to make it detect input and give responce.

What can I do with this? Maybe I can edit some config to skip this to allways YES option? Or maybe launch cocos console with some additional arguments?

Thanks in advance,

Find one work-around, can run like this:

yes | cocos compile -p android

and so CI is almost working).

Yes or edit your .cocos-console.json and set agreement to true. I think also there was a flag added. Not sure if it made it into 3.14.1 or not. I can check. Not in front of my workstation at this time.

Edit: I was wrong about which file, see my reply below.

Thanks for additional info.

You can edit: ~/.cocos/local_cfg.json
and add

    "agreement_shown": true

the console added a parameter to get the input: