Cocos 2dx 3.13.1 crashes in iOS devices frequently

EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) - In this case AppDelegate destructor has been called in the stack trace. It has high change of getting crashed while killing the app manually by user or automatically by the os. I have shared my stack trace here. Is this the bug in 3.13.1 version? We are getting this log from iOS 11.4 device. Do anyone experience similar crashes? .

It seems like your program is trying to allocate memory but is unable to do so. I have faced a similar issue, which was solved by something totally random and unrelated.

I removed usage of cc.eventManager.removeAllEventListeners, try doing that, maybe it will fix. I still have to look deeper into this.

If you watch the memory usage when this happens, it would probably shoot up to around 1GB, and one point it just gives up trying to allocate more memory.