Cocos 2d-x and Cocos Studio poor documentation

Speaking as someone who has complained about the documentation in the past, I can only say how much better it is since the new Programmers Guide has been started.

It can be very difficult finding out how to do some things - but there are people doing tutorials out there - and the sample source code shows a lot of the simple stuff.

I disagree about video tutorials - they are, IMHO, the scourge of the earth - I hate video tutorials with an absolute passion! (So, yes, it is a personal thing :smile: )

I think with the (very) rapid development of cocos2d-x, things got a bit slap-dash for a while. Now the releases seem to be a little less frequent, and the documentation is improving in leaps and bounds.

As @slackmoehrle says - you too can help out, as you work out how to do things, spot errors or places things could be improved, you have the ability to improve them!

What I would like to see in the long term is a place where well-edited tutorials could live, a bit like Ray Wenderlich’s cocos2d site. the discussions around those tutorials kept them relevant - and I still occasionally refer back to them even now!

Well, if I may jump on the complaints wagon as well… (which I’d rather not, but hey, sleep deprivation lowers inhibitions as much as alcohol, so here I go…)

There’s still not a single resource online (or at least not one that I’ve managed to found) that teaches how to actually use stuff you build in Cocos Studio with Cocos2d-js. I’ve seen many people asking this in many places, yet no one knows the answer (if I had I’d already posted it, it’s really starting to bother me that this tool exists and yet no one seems to be able to use it because of such a thing).

Have to seen Sonar Learning docs ?
Click on topic from left side and code snippet is available for both i.e. C++ & JS

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While I was able to figure out Cocos Studio in a relatively short time, I think the community would appreciate a better documentations.

@prespondek-Hmm level designer , so you design levels with help of cocos studio or just simply writing code?
@GulperEeL-thanks this is the way i am doing it myself.
@Maxxx- Thing is with videos is that there is less ambiguity (of course you can never beat books). But normally tutorials as in how to write 4X4 matrix multiplication or something like that reading the code will do the trick , but when we talk about using the tool , 1 picture(or video per-se) means 1000 words(cliche!! i know). Then again as we both have pointed out it is personal thing
@ZippoLag-this is precisely i as talking about. We should empower more on learning things as i may build rocket that can go to mars and back but without documentation i may end up firing up someone else’s ass(or mine)
@smitpatel88-They have not done on Cocos Studio except for very very basic.

Nope, I had no idea those existed (and trust me, I’ve searched a lot).

Here, this is pretty much what people need to know the most: xD

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couldn’t agree more. You’ll be spending days just trying to set it up :slight_smile: This tool is made for the founders themselves obviously.

This is an unfair comment. You spent days because you were following old documentation. Granted this is sort of a catch-22. You asked for help on the forums and I responded to every post you made. Had you posted when you first ran into trouble you would not have spent days and then came here posting rants.

If you really feel the docs are poor, get involved. Send in PR’s. Then you can help users when they ask rather than posting an unfair rant in a year old topic.

I’ve been noticing this community problem ever since. And I did get involved. I tried to make tutorials before, this being one:

We’ll all know that cocos2d-x is not few clicks setup and ready to work like Unity or Corona, etc. But I guess, we never picked Cocos2d-x for this reason but other things. I rem. in March 2014, I picked up this engine and took me 1 month to set it up and I was a beginner in C++ too at that time. And I also remember your user name ‘reya…’ from the very beginning.

While steps are given good enough to setup in programmer’s guide. I guess, your pain can be related to versions mismatch of NDK with Cocos2d-x which is common thing I noticed on forums.

But I guess, it can be resolved in Cocos Creator which will be the new tool :slight_smile:
And as we all know C++ support is also being added. So, would be cool I guess.

One thing I agree, that there aren’t even enough books like Unity has a ton of books for every level of expertise. It’s mainly because not good documentation since beginning. It also attributed to the fact that whatever cocos2d-x books, we’ve in market, they’ all cover mainly same topics(except 2 books which covers different topic but intersection of topics is majorly same) because who are experts in cocos2d-x, doesn’t have time to write book and those who did aren’t ‘mostly(not all)’ expert enough to understand the engine in deep without complete documentation, hence they all didn’t cover intermediate to advance or advance topics at all. [English books]

But AFAIK, Cocos creator guide is being updated regularly, so again, this will be resolved once decent enough version of creator is out.

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I remember you too brah! :smiley: just a bit frustrated. I really like Cocos2d-x, I’m just annoyed cause I can’t use it. I was able to develop games when I was using MacBook. But now I’m in Windows10.

Your setup should be examined.

There are more Android developers here than iOS and a lot of folks here use Windows. Cocos2d-x works on Windows to do Android development (and using a variety of tools, Android Studio, command-line, Eclipse, Visual Studio).

Haha… Same thing… I used to work on Windows, have setup ready on that. Stopped game programming since 1 yr as I was learning some little bit art work and got a job.

After restarting game programming, I used Corona as part of competition and done the game in very limited time. But as I prefer cocos2d-x APIs more, I set it up in mac from scratch and it took me 3 days to get everything working on eclipse, mainly because I started with Android Studio which I realized that it’s studio’s fault that it doesn’t support C++ well enough. :smiley:
Bu effectively it took me less than a day to setup using programmer’s guide and finding compatible cocos2d-x. Yeah, I understand, it’s still not like few clicks and done like Unity/Corona.

And I am working for my 1st to be published game :smiley:
And I’ll be awaiting cocos creator C++.

Oh good luck mate. So you’re using Eclipse instead of Android Studio?

Yeah, using eclipse gives me auto complete. I am less of a C++(more of a web developer) and it would be struggle for me to find things to make auto complete work if it really exists and there isn’t any guide right now to get it easily. And since, I work on my games only in my spare time, it will be a heavy toll for me to keep and keep searching things for things which I should have goten by default.

Moreover, we have to keep 2 windows of Android studio opened(last used 1.5 months back), one for building(Java view) and one for editing classes(C++ view). Can’t do it in same window.
Yes, gradle build was faster than usual build, though. But I can’t afford to trade off with above things.
Android Studio will have better support for working with C++ in coming future and then I’ll switch to Android Studio, hopefully, autocomplete will exist.

[But I prefer C++ for my game developement instead of JS :D. In fact, I started working on C++ through Cocos2d-x as I already knew C and Java]

I just read one of your threads regarding build fail. I didn’t read exactly the error, neither I would understand it :smiley: :smiley:
If you haven’t then I would suggest to use real device to test things atleast for initial setup because because of x86 armeabi armeabi-7a mips, etc exists and you won’t know what for to build.
So, keep it simple, architecture should be armeabi 7a would always work on real device.
And x86 would always work on emulator(genymotion atleast). If you’ve given both armeabi 7a and x86 then build will take time and this .apk will work on both device and emulators.

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Hi, slackmoehrle!
I want to see page

but get this:
404 Not Found


Only my problem?

I work in cocos creator first time and i create a button.
How i must apply event listener to in? Is that too hard?
May be exsist a tutorial for that simple action?
I want just click to a button and create simple function for MouseDown or MouseUp and all (like MS Visual Studio).

Sorry, cant create new topic, get error every time “you dont have permissions for this page”

There might not be a page. Let me look into it

So, how about page
is it present? I cant see it.

it is here:

So much thx!!

From page
i can’t follow any link from main section.
error 404