CCMultiColumnTableView added to CCTableView extension

i will try this demo but its give error:-
1>HelloWorldScene.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol “public: void thiscall cocos2d::extension::CCMultiColumnTableView::setColCount" referenced in function "public: virtual boolthiscall HelloWorld::init(void)” (?init@HelloWorld@UAE_NXZ) 1>HelloWorldScene.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: static class cocos2d::extension::CCMultiColumnTableView * __cdecl cocos2d::extension::CCMultiColumnTableView::create(class cocos2d::extension::CCTableViewDataSource *,class cocos2d::CCSize)" (?createCCMultiColumnTableView@extension@cocos2d@SAPAV123PAVCCTableViewDataSource@23@VCCSize@3@Z) referenced in function "public: virtual bool __thiscall HelloWorld::init(void)" (?initHelloWorld@@UAE_NXZ)
1>E:.win32\Myads.win32.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals

so please help me asa possible thanks…

Have you recompiled the cocos2d-x extension as well?

  • This class you cannot put with your project but to replace with CCTableView inside cocos2d-x extension

when i call CCDirector::sharedDirector()->replaceScene tableCellTouched only get index 0, this is bug, you can help me fix it! Sorry! for my english is not good!

Hi all,

I am also using the same code but somehow unable to make it work. Can you share your code that is working and you are able to create multi-column TableView. i am on version cocos2d-x-3.0alpha1.

here is my code that i am using but somehow its not working .