Cc.audioengine issues?

Continuing the discussion from Cc.audioengine crash issues?:

Hi @pandamicro

Thanks for the quick response…Well, I’m playing multiple audios…I have 2 prefabs with audios, but it’s crashing when playing them both…? They are both mp3, and small size, it’s just for sound effects, nothing major. Within 1 prefab, I’m instantiate another prefab which is made up of particle system… but I don’t think that could be the issue…? Thanks and God Bless…



Please try to use cc.audioEngine.playEffect for playing effects. playMusic is only supposed to play one background music

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Hi @pandamicro

Thanks for the quick explanation and answer, will be implementing and see if it remedy the situation… :smiley: Also, I understand you are working hard with the other developers in optimizing this great engine, but do you think, the ability to choose which physics engine ( box2d, chipmunk ) along with SDKBOX integration will be ready before September 2016…Once again, thanks for your hard work and dedication, along with the other developers in bringing this community a very awesome engine…God Bless…



Sorry but I don’t think physics engine can be ready before September

Hi @pandamicro,

No need to be sorry, thanks for answering, will wait until September 2016. what I’ve done is using the simple method of collision using getboundingbox and cc.intersect…, but do you think, you can please take a look at this thread:

I’m having some difficulty, I think I need to implement the tag from each collider component object? Would really appreciate any help you can offer…Thanks again and God Bless…



I agree this… and play effects should be smaller than 5 seconds. As I have tried a playEffect(cc.audioEngine.playEffect) with 10 seconds and background music(cc.audioEngine.playMusic) is playing simultaneously, in many of the devices the play effect is skipping due to its duration. And I replaced the same file cut down to 5 sec and it is working( I can hear both the sounds simultaneously) fine in all the devices.