Bug in CocoStudio FileInfo.Export 1.5 and


Git told me that some files in my CocoStudio Projects were changed. I was curious what changed and looked into it.

There were lots of changes in ccsprojs\FileInfo.Export…
I assume this files are used to copy the assets in the folder when it is all exported? That would make sense.
I have two scene projects and two ui projects. The scene projects use the ui projects. Let’s call them A and B.
Scene A has ui A and scene B has ui B.

I open scene A in SceneEditor. I see the scene with the ui A embedded. The ui A uses a picture which is located at “publish/pictures/back.png”.
Then I open a scene B with the same SceneEditor (I just open the scene B in Resources). The Scene Editor asks me if I want to save. I save.
Now I see scene B with ui B. I save this too (I don’t change anything!).

After that I look at the FileInfo.Export files from scene A and scene B (sceneA.json, sceneB.json). The sceneB.json has “publish/pictures/back.png”. But scene B and ui B is not using this picture.

I think that’s wrong, or?

When you close the Scene Editor, open the Scene again (to use the same example: scene B) and save it, than the FileInfo.Export\sceneb.json will be correct.

Bug still exists in!