Any UI / scene editor for C++?

I can’t imagine development under windows, it’s crap. Use macOS and Xcode.

Read carefully instructions for it, it’s usually - submodules.

I do have Mac but i am running small gaming studio here so i cannot afford all Mac in my ofc.

I use Levelhelper have a look at:

After reading carefully instructions and updated submodule. I still got weird errors when trying to build project

For that I’m using hackintosh and for many years without problems. Check tonymacx86.

I just cloned:

And got: “Build Succeeded”. You are doing something wrong.

It’s better than CS, but UX in it is bad overall.
I just want to say that after trying many editors I realized that SpriteBuilder is the best.

Thanks, i solved the problem.

I haven’t tried SpriteBuilder-X, but it looks promising.

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On this wwekend i tried out to use SpriteBuilder-X with pre-generated libs. (cocos2d-x version 3.10, modified curl)
iOS compile works.
Android compile didn’t work for me. I got always duplicated, or not defined symbols. :frowning:
Anybody could it use for android?

I’m using SBX with pre-built libs without any problems.
As described at SBX repo - you should use other cocos2d-x. Which you are using?

There is another choice:
It’s support publish assets encrypted with AES-CBC mode.
And support Debug Cocos2d-x & Unity Lua Games.
engine: cocos2d-x/tests/cpp-empty-test at v3 · halx99/cocos2d-x · GitHub
3rd libs:
demo project:

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halx99 Thats so fun - you trying to spam ADS’s your editor here :smiley:

:grinning: Just A choice.

SBX is open-source.

Great job.:grinning:

I tried with newnon’s cocos2d-x, but in the Spritebuilder-x-Demo i didn’t found any subdirectory.
I copied then from on older (v 3.10) Project. After edited the Android,mk for sources and includes i could’n compile to android.
Then i decided, maybe i try with the working cocos2d-x (3.10), but no success on android.

Could you please add the subdirectory to SpriteBuilder-X-Demo?
Thank you

Yes, I cleared all but not iOS. Thats just code sample, can be used in any project targeting any platform.

My main idea was to share code how to load and use SBX files. Also, I’m planning to create more demo sample code for SBX. I will try to find time to do that…

So, next you can just proceed with instructions like I did here - How to link prebuilt Cocos2D X C++ library to Android Studio project? check all discussion.
Finally I was able to compile pre-built libs for android using and compile project that uses SBX.

I’m thinking about to create a demo with pre-build libs config…

I will try it again.
I’m just wondering why 3.10 prebuild works correctly.

Actually before that I’ve tried compiling to android with source code and after 3 days I gave up. No results. Next, I’ve tried to compile pre-built libs and then compile with pre-build libs(yes, this is really different), it again took me 3 days accordingly, but finally I’ve succeeded. Omg… android is so crap…
I have been developing for so many years for iOS and everything always just work, no problems no pain… but I need to publish my game for both platform, there is no choice nowadays.

Thanks, it works.
IOS and android prebuilt cocos2d-x with spritebuilderx works correctly.
I have just 1 little problem, ios simulator on iphone 4 and 5 not working. But i can live with it.