Android Studio for C++ compilation usage

Hello guys,

I found a lot of manuals about Android Studio support for cocos2d-x projects. There is one thing that confuses me a lot. Android Studio allows to build C++ code inside. I found a lot of examples that works perfectly But as I got, we can’t build C++ part from Android Studio IDE (1.5.1, latest one) for cocos projects for now, that’s why all the manuals emphasis to use command line with “cocos compile -p android --android-studio” after any C++ code changes. Is there any plans to make cocos2d-x project buildable directly from Android Studio without any previous command line builds, because for now Android Studio support just seems to be simplified way to deploy the build on device, because a major features and the general code is written in C++, so should be compiled through cocos bin tool.

Best Wishes,

there is this little trick that makes android studio issue the compile command on your behalf automatically in the background without having to open the command line and type it yourself.

look at @denisk20 reply in this post:

unfortely as far as i know that’s the best we can do when it comes to android studio even with its latest versions :confused: