A Quiver of Crows - [Steam]

Pretty cool, I’m glad to see a developer putting out a cocos2d-x based game on Steam. I’m considering putting one of my games out on Steam in a few months, thank goodness I don’t need controller support.

Good luck with sales, looks like a fun game!

Why is that?

I’m not sure if you’re asking why my game doesn’t need controller support, or why it’s good that my game doesn’t need controller support, so I’ll just answer both:

  1. The game is just a tile-based puzzler, so using a controller would be awkward. Touch on mobile and mouse+kb on PC is the most natural way to control it.

  2. It’s good that I don’t need it, because as far as I know cocos2d-x still doesn’t have multi-platform controller support. Since I’m using cocos2d-js, it’s also not trivial to just grab some other controller library/api and integrate it into my game.

I meant this, but thanks for answering both questions!

That’s what I had in mind, as I read your “thank goodness” post :smile:
It sounded like you had a hard time integrating controller support in a different project.

Thanks @qwpeoriu

For anybody that’s interested, I updated my cocos2d-x branch (linked above) with SDL-based controller support, which so far seems more efficient and supports the Steam controller.


Just want to post another quick update:

Latest developer let’s play:

Here are some more details: Progress Update #26

We’ve got the game running in Steam on Windows/Mac/Linux and most things are coming along smoothly. The main cocos2d-x feature we’re going to have to add next ourselves will be toggling between windowed to fullscreen. Also, some of the audio rendering is lacking on Windows, but I’m not sure we’ll have enough time to improve that by launch time.

We’ve been having some performance issues on Windows as well, but we’ve made some improvements there by switching to SDL for the controllers and applying finer Sleep resolution as described here: Cocos2d-x Windows performance issues examined
There are still some performance issues (such as unexplained occasional lag on Windows with some Nvidia cards), but on most environments we’re running at a stable 60fps now.

That’s it for this update! Thanks for reading!

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Hi All,

We’re only a couple of months away from completing our game (we’ve been working on this for over 2 years now)!
Here’s our latest developer let’s play:

And here’s our latest progress update post:

For anybody wondering, the most recent desktop-support changes we’ve added to our cocos2d-x branch include:

  • getWritablePath fix for OSX - thanks @slackmoehrle for helping with an official pull request
  • controller hot-plug support
  • GLFW 3.2 for window resizing and fullscreen support
  • other fixes and optimizations

Thanks for reading and following our project!

This looks great! My game just got greenlit (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=608100059), and I’m excited to be moving to Steam. My target release date is August 16th.

I was wondering, I’ve always worked in Xcode and have very little experience with Visual Studio. I can run the exe that is generated in the Release.win32 folder, whether I’m in VS or not, and now I’m trying to learn how to create a deployable package and how to link to Steam.

I’m using cocos2d-x version 3.10. Do you know of any good documentation that covers creating deployment packages in VS from the cocos2d-x files? I’m reading through the Steam SDK to learn more about that.

Also, do you know of any gotchas as far as cocos2d-x and steam go? I’m not using a controller, and so far, my mouse and keyboard support seem fine.


Nice! and thank you =)
Congrats on your greenlight!

In my opinion, cocos2d-x v3.x is not ready for shipping on desktop mostly because of the following missing features:

  • switching from fullscreen to windowed
  • volume controls don’t work
  • some missing optimizations

Depending on your game though, maybe you can get away with not having these. If you need them though, feel free to grab the changes you need from my branch (linked above) - see the commit history for the changes.

As for deploying to Steam, I pretty much just followed the Steam docs for linking to the Steam API and just uploaded my Release build files and along with the necessary libraries my games uses.

Hi All,

I wrote a post about the Cocos2d-x development environment we use and the modifications we made to create A Quiver of Crows for Windows, Mac, & Linux. Hopefully this can be useful to others who are making a desktop game.

Developing a 2D Game for Windows, Mac, & Linux with Cocos2d-x

The game’s development is finally complete and we’re now preparing for an October 19th launch on Steam!
Wish us good luck!

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Hi All!

After 2.5 years of hard work, our game is finally out!
Please check it out!



Congratulations on the release, it looks great! Nice twist on twinstick having it in a scrolling world :thumbsup:

Hopefully some of your desktop upgrades can be merged into the Cocos master branch…

Many congratulations to you on this achievement. I’ll buy your game and try it on my Steam Machine this weekend.

Please let us know if you want to merge your changes into Cocos2d-x and I can set you up with our engineering team to discuss via GitHub. We welcome pull requests!

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Thanks @nivrig & @slackmoehrle!!!

As for merging the latest, I see that some of the changes have already been added to the latest cocos2d-x. As for the rest, I was told by a cocos2d-x dev that desktop features were not a high priority. Either way, all the changes are here.

Great job, thanks for the contribution.

Thank you @nite!

Congrats on the release @Shaedo! I remember you showing me this game a year ago at IndieCade. Well done!


I have a question about your cocos branch. I see you made a change to CCApplication-32.cpp. In the function Application::run() you added a “>=” on line 88:

if (nNow.QuadPart - nLast.QuadPart >= _animationInterval.QuadPart)

Pervious it was just an “=”. Why was this changed? It seems like a subtle change. Does it make the win32 loop more closely resemble the mac loop?

Woow! Great job guys. Gameplay video is so promising!
Hope you will get the ticket to Steam :slight_smile:

Thanks Rusty!
I remember chatting with you at IndieCade.

The change from > to >= was something I did during an optimization pass I was doing. I figured I was losing up to 1ms in cases the exact amount of time passed. So I changed it to >=. It probably is very minor, but I figured it might help on the video cards I was having performance issues with.

Thanks @faseral!