A Bug when use libGUI libCocosStudio library on Android

Hello guys!
I’m learning to use GUI on cocos2d-x, when i use VS2012 to run win32 app, its work fine.
(i add libGUI, libCocosStudio and libExtensions to VS)
But i got problem when i ran this project on Eclipse.
it show an error on MyProject/cocos2d/cocos/ui/GUIDefine.h file:
“fatal error: cocostudio/ObjectFactory.h: No such as file or directory”
in line “#include “cocostudio/ObjectFactory.h””

i don’t know how to import that library to eclipse.
Help me plz.
sorry for my bad english.

After i add following line to Android.mk file, its work fine

LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES += cocos_extension_static
$(call import-module,editor-support/cocostudio)
$(call import-module,extensions)

sorry, but could you please elaborate how you added those line to the android.mk file?

I’m getting the precisely same error, but when I added those line the error still persists.

And how do you use your include? The library I’m including is UIButton.h, so I include it like:

#include “ui/UIButton.h”

I use it like that and still get the error. Thank you

When you add libraries like libGUI, libCocosStudio, libExtensions you must:

  • On Visual Studio: File => add Existing Project. Then choose 3 libraries:


Then in Properties => C\C++ => General => Additisional Include Directory:
add values:


After all, add following line to Android.mk file

LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES += cocos_extension_static
$(call import-module,editor-support/cocostudio)
$(call import-module,extensions)

In some cases you must add line $(EngineRoot) on step 2.
use namespace USING_NS_CC; after #include"someLib"
Hope this help.