'win32' is not available


I was trying to create a win32 application from my mac. I used the command “cocos compile -p win32”. But it fails to compile and shows
" Current available platforms : [‘android’, ‘ios’, ‘mac’]. ‘win32’ is not available."

May I know why this happens?

win32 is build with Visual Studio, which is not available on macOS - also the Windows headers and libraries are missing. You can’t compile for mac on a Windows or Linux pc. Mobile is different, but on desktop it’s a limitation. For desktop you need the platform you are planning to run the executable.



Thanks for your reply. Yes I am able to build exe from windows machine.

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Current available platforms : ['win32', 'android', 'metro']. 'web' is not available.

Hi Mars3142, When I try to : cocos run -p web on windows 10, (~cocos2d-x-3.17.2\tests\cpp-empty-test - this is example from cocos)

It’s show that?
I think that this project is not support for running on web? Is it true?

Correct you can’t run c++ on the web