Why on making scrollview color transparent, it does hide the items?

here is code to add items, Items are being shown while scrollview sprite component color is white. but when you make color transparent , it does not show items.

start() {
        var content = this.node.getChildByName("view").getChildByName("content");
        var height  = 0;
        var scrollheight = 0;
        for(let i=1;i<=6;i++){
            let newNode = new Node();
                newNode.addComponent(Sprite).spriteFrame = SpriteFrame;
            newNode.layer = Layers.Enum.UI_2D;
            height = height - 170;
            newNode.setPosition(new Vec3(null,height));
            scrollheight = scrollheight + 185;

Screenshot while scrollview color transparent.

Screenshot while scrollview color is white


The modification of 2D renderable component’s transparent will affect the transparency of itself and its children.

You can try using a custom material to modify the sprite color on the scrollview.