Why is cocos creator game slow on IOS?

I’m creating a game in Cocos Creator, and now I created the build for ios. The performance of the game is unpredictable, sometimes it’s good and some time is awful. I minimized draw calls to 30 draw calls max (usually it’s around 15 draw calls), and I optimized everything. I wonder should I switch to cocos2dx… What is the main reason for unpredictable speeds on ios? I don’t want to switch to cocos2dx as I like cocos creator workflow, I’m really productive with it, but the performance drops are my main concern now.

Can anyone tell me what are the speeds on your ios devices and how complex are your games?

Also, can anyone explain to me how build on mobile devices works? Is the game embedded in the browser or something else?

I’m using cocos creator v2.1.0.

Thanks in advance.

I had the same issue:

Compile with a newer iOS version.

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Thanks for feedback @MikeFromMars, I’ll try that. You meen by xcode ios deployment target version right ? From what ios version did you notice the performance improvement?

I think it should be higher than iOS 9. I have found this:

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Thanks @MikeFromMars, you are really helpful. I think you are right. Becouse the iPhone 6s on which I found frame rate drops, I have iOS 9, I left it with that version so I can test the game on older iOS version. On new iPad 2018 it works great, but I didn’t know if it’s because of hardware improvement or iOS version. I’ll need to test it on other devices to find out. Thanks a lot @MikeFromMars, I feel better now about Cocos Creator :smiley: .

I tested on iPhone 6s with newest version 12.2 and it’s blazing fast as on ipad, so @MikeFromMars was right. Thanks again.

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