Who is Xiamen Yaji Software ? is Chukong no longer support Cocos2dx?

I cloned the cocos2d-x-lite version and just notice in the headers source code that there is
company im not familiar with called : “Xiamen Yaji Software”
what is the meaning of this? does cocos2d-x again changed hands ?
can you please explain?

It means nothing to you.

Xiamen Yaji Software is a spinoff that specifically does Cocos2d-x, Creator and AnySDK.


And what plans for cocos2d-x C++ part it will give us?

Nothing is changing in terms of the programming languages we support.

And what about fixing bugs, improvements and new features?

Nothing changes. We just spun off to our own entity.

I mean where are fixes and improvements :smiley: ? I’ve created bugs… and on github there are a lot of them.

It is business as usual. The team is the same, location, etc, we are just our own entity now.

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