Which API should I use for cocos2dx to see my c++ crashes

Currently I am using hockeyapp to see my crash report, which sometimes show no information about the crash. Which API should I use for cocos2dx to see my c++ crashes?

Please help me!

Anyway, I’ve been using Hockeyapp for crash reporting in our games as well. For iOS platform, you just need to add the SDK in to your Xcode projects. It’s more complicated for Android platform, because you need to add breakpad in your Android project in order to de-symbolize the crashes and you’ll need to compress all dynamic libraries (.so files) for every architectures you’ve built and upload it to hockeyapp but sometimes it couldn’t de-symbolize all your crashes.

What about fabric.io?

I’m using HockeyApp but I’ve only integrated it with iOS so far. I’m hoping to be able to integrate it with Android, Win32 and OSX, we’ll see how that goes.

The suggestion for fabric.io is probably a good one, too. I believe Crashlytics is under the fabric.io umbrella, and crashlytics (when I used it) is a fantastic product.

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I am also using HockeyApp, but it does not give information for all the crashes.
Fabric.io , I think that is paid ?

no it Fabric.io is free and support NDK C++ crash reports

Ok thank, I will try