When comes the next Cocos2Dx 4.x update/upgrade?

As in the past every ~1/2 year comes an update/upgrade of Cococ2Dx
2019.12.04 ### V4.0
2019.05.27 ### V3.17.2
2018.12.15 ### V3.17.1
2017.10.10 ### V3.16

Seems time for an next release canditate of Cococ2Dx 4.x.

There might not be any major update anymore (but there are smaller fixes on the github repo going on), since they mainly focus on Cocos Creator.
Hopefully i’m wrong tho, but there are some promising forks from v4 that aim to continue development
e.g. https://github.com/c4games/engine-x is one that i’ve seen.


V4 efforts are focused on stability, bugs, platform issues, etc. it will have a slower release timeframe than v3.

Cocos2d-x and Creator share pieces of the engine. Efforts to combine all the good of each is another huge task for us.

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