What is the serializable attribute for member variables in creator?

I am confused about the meaning of the serialisable attribute of member variables in cocos creator. I read the manual but didn’t understand what they meant. could someone please explain it…I believe it means something else in Unity, so it is very confusing for me.

Basically, all properties are serialized by default if their default values were given. It means the value you set to a property will be saved and reloaded. If you dont want that to be happened, just add serializable attribute as false.

By doing so, the property’s value saving and reloading have to be done by you.

Official Guide says:

Properties that specify the default value are serialized by default. After serialization, the settings in the editor will be saved to the resource file such as the scene, and automatically restore the previously set value when loading the scene. If you do not want to serialize, you can set serializable: false .

temp_url: {
    default: "",
    serializable: false

Ref: https://docs.cocos2d-x.org/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/class.html#serializable