What is the correct setup for 3D

Hi everyone,
I am starting a new project in Cocos Creator focused in 3D, and had some problems:

  • When creating two cubes (1, 1, 1 scale) and a Directional Light with Hard shadows, the shadows don’t seen to work. I turned on the receive and cast shadow options in both.
    By testing the example cases, the light/shadow seems to work when the objects scale is really larger (like a 100, 100, 100 cube), but this setting makes the editor unresponsive (due to scene size) and I think that physics will also be affected

So here is the question:

  • What is the correct setup for a 3D project with lighting/shadow and physics? Should I consider the default cube a 1meter size?
    Or do I need to multiply all my game units, raise the camera near and far views and try to work like that manually tweaking the physics.
    Or there is some setting to make the shadow work with the default units (what I think is a 1,1,1 default cube is 1Meter unit)


What version of Creator?

The latest avaliable in the dashboard: 2.4.0

You can create a 3d stage (which include a camera and light for one unit object).

Hi, thanks for everyone. Beyond the 3d Stage settings I was also misunderstanding the Directional Light way of working (maybe a lack of the documentation?).
Differently from Unity and some other softwares where the Directional Light is positionless (so don’t matter where it is in the scene, it is like a global lighting), here in Cocos it does matter where it is positioned in the scene (at least for the shadows). So after just positioning it just above the cubes, and correctly setting up the depth for larger scenes, the shadows are now working correctly with the default cube size.

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