Weld Joint not working. Changing a rigidbody from dynamic to kinematic crashes cocos (box2d)

i have an object falling and in the bottom an object moving. i want that the object falling when it collides it sticks to the moving object.
the result is that falling object bounces.never sticks. It keeps moving and then falls.
i tried setting the sphere rigidbody from dynamic to kinematic so can attach using set parent, but Box2d crashes.

onPostResolve (contact, selfCollider, otherCollider)


    if(otherCollider.node.name=="Player"  && ! this.bIsSticked  && this.bCanStick)
     //   otherCollider.getComponent("PlayerController").addSnowBall(this.node);
     this.rb.linearVelocity=new cc.Vec2(0,0);
      let joint=  this.node.getComponent(cc.WeldJoint);

        let arrowBody = selfCollider.body;
        let targetBody = otherCollider.body;
        let worldCoordsAnchorPoint = arrowBody.getWorldPoint( cc.v2(0.6, 0) );
        joint.connectedBody = targetBody;
        joint.anchor = arrowBody.getLocalPoint( worldCoordsAnchorPoint );
        joint.connectedAnchor = targetBody.getLocalPoint( worldCoordsAnchorPoint );
        joint.referenceAngle = targetBody.node.rotation - arrowBody.node.rotation;
        joint.enabled = true;
