WeChat game on android phone problem

I have been built a wechat mini game recently and it runs well on iPhones.
My game downloads all resources from the remote server and I think there is something to do with remote resource downloading.
I tried to downgrade WeChat version of the phone and change the cocos version, but nothing worked.
When I run it on the android phones it loads first but when it reaches 100%, it freezes and not show the game. I tested on various types of android phones and it’s the same.
Have anyone faced this problem?

Let us ask @jare to take a look at this.

Please try following the guide to see what’s wrong with the step https://docs.cocos2d-x.org/creator/manual/en/publish/publish-wechatgame.html#resource-management-for-wechat-mini-game-environment

I followed steps bellow:

  1. check md5cache
  2. after build, upload res folder to server and delete res folder
  3. server address set to “remote server address”

Did I do something wrong?
As I mentioned before it runs well in iPhone but android.
It’s http