VS Code on a Mac for cocos2d-x C++?

Just wondering if anyone is using VSCode for cocos2d-x C++ development and, if so, can you let me know how to set it up on a mac (preferably).

I use VSCode on Windows all day for ‘real’ work - and it would be great to use it for cocos dev too (I am using it for cocos creator Typescript already)


I don’t use VSCode at this time. For c++ I use either XCode or QT Creator or AppCode. I have been favoring just a straight text editor recently, BBEdit.

Thanks. I’m sure it wouldn’t be too hard to set up VS Code - I may give it a go - but wanted to see if someone else had already done the hard work first!

I used it for a while. It wasn’t that hard to set up iirc. The extensions I used were: C/C++, Xcodebuild Tools, Code Outline, LLDB Debugger and C/C++ Snippets. But it was a while ago, and it seems some configurations have changed since then. So you have to look for yourself how to set up the extensions.

Thanks - I’ve been giving it a go for editing - just haven/t braved the building/debugging route yet!