[Vote]Cocos2d-x future: C++ or JavaScript

If it is not an option why do u do a poll? Just impose ur stance! But after, dont ask that they pin ur post if that is a fake poll, u are not doing any revolution.

To open their eyes.

You have the only truth, sorry Messiah. A lot of people wanting/saying something its not synonim of being truth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_populum

Im done of this. If you want to do a poll, do a real poll or dont ask that admins pin it. That was my only point. Now reply whatever you want.

By the way, this poll is only for Western developers. Do not despise oriental developers. Maybe in absolute numbers would win JS option. And by the same fallacy ad populum JS would be the best one. :wink:

What is “real pool” ?

C++ ofc. All reasons have been already posted :slight_smile:

Absolutely positively 100% C++.

And to @Undume, why do you feel that this is some sort of western attack against “orientals” as you call them? This is a matter of many people using cocos2d-x for years because it was a solid 2d C++ cross platform engine and becoming more and more nervous about the future of the engine because all of the resources and focus seem to be on pushing javascript and Creator.

They should be crystal clear on their plan for the future so that those of us who refuse to compromise can move off of cocos2d-x now to find an alternative instead of stringing everyone along. I’ve said it before, if I was to choose a closed source editor and scripting language as the way to make games there are far better (and more stable, better documented, better supported) options for people that want to go down that route (Unity, Unreal, etc).

Cocos2d-x was special and stood out as a lightweight, high performance alternative for real programmers. Now it’s becoming just another in a long line of bloated, poorly documented, buggy closed source software.

Is @ricardo still around these days? Any thoughts on the direction things are going? Any suggestions on the best option for C++ developers?

Who said anything about an attack from some ppl against another ppl? O_O Just saying that is not an argument saying that something is better than another something because more ppl say it.

By the way, what means real programmers?

I don’t recall anyone saying that C++ is better than javascript, simply that the people that have been using cocos2d-x for years have been doing so as c++ programmers and are not comfortable with the apparent abandonment of this to go in a completely new direction.

And by real developers I mean people who write code. Visual editors tend to be more for designers who don’t know how to program at all or are only capable of writing some basic scripts. As a programmer I find these editors get in my way and I don’t want to use them at all, I want to write code only. It’s fine as an option, but that’s the key, having an option.

I don’t recall anyone saying that C++ is better than javascript

Yes, you should read the entire conversation.

Okay, but even if they did, that’s their opinion. People have legitimate issues with the direction things are going after having invested a lot into using this engine. Your posts seem to be nothing more than taking issue with semantics and whether or not someone should be allowed to have a preference.

I like C++, you like Javascript. Good for us both. Cocos2d-x has had javascript bindings for a long time that you could program with so that was all well and good. When you take away my ability to program in pure C++ and instead try and force me to use a closed source editor and write in JS only, THAT IS A PROBLEM! Do you understand? Do you have anything meaningful to contribute or are you just trolling?


For real, you didnt read anything yet. I like C++, im not trying to win any discussion here. Im not forcing anyone to anything. It looks like you are the one who is trolling here dude. I just was trying to tell him that he cant ask to be taken seriously (and having the post being pin) if he uses a fallacy.

By the way, if chukong would stop supporting cocos2d-x its not like anyone is forcing you to stop using cocos2d-x. Do you remember that it is open source? In any moment you can fork it and change the name of open office to libre office :wink:

Pls next time, read the entire conversation before talking. If not, you are the one who seems to be trolling and not contributing to anything.

From another thread:

Cocos team should release cocos2d-x-lite as v4.0 quickly. It will stop all the worries about the standalone engine dying a slow death or not getting attention, and let all existing projects ‘fit’ in the new vision. The main difference in current 3.x and new Lite engine is that they have removed some modules to make it lightweight and added new APIs to be able to easily work with entities exported from the Creator editor - it is the engine used to run all projects built using the new Creator (using JSB bindings for the JS code). They are not abandoning the C++ engine even if they are supporting/promoting JS developers for Creator.

Once everyone has a clear path to migrate their existing code to new engine without doing a full rewrite, it will be easier for them to use the Creator editor for new pieces, or migrate old screens/features one at a time, or continue to use the standalone engine without any editor. And then cocos team will also not need to maintain two separate C++ engine.

Asking for a full rewrite gives everyone the option to rewrite using any other framework.

@Undume, @anon98020523 created this post as part of something bigger in response to chukong clearly trying to move people away from C++ to Javascript and a closed editor. The only valid response to this survey would be one of the two options given and why you feel that way. Over and over and over you have posted about how he shouldn’t have made the post to begin with and that he won’t be taken seriously. If that’s not the very definition of trolling I don’t know what is.

Cocos2d-x (as we know it) would no longer be a viable option to use if it stops being supported because each platform upgrade will likely require an engine update to keep working properly. There are also many bugs that need to be addressed, security concerns, performance issues, etc. So unless it is forked, similar to the way cocos2d-x was from cocos2d, it’s unrealistic to expect anyone to just keep using an old outdated version of the engine indefinitely. Again, if that’s the case then there are better options available but we need to know what’s happening so we can make an informed decision instead of just sitting around with our fingers crossed.


The very definition of trolling is not reading the entire conversation. And as u said, its legit give ur opinion. I give my opinion, I like c++ but it is not the way to do these things, this is not a real survey, here mainly just come western people, here its not coming all the cocos2d developers, period.
You are the one who put words in my mouth, and anyway I wasnt discussing it anymore, you came here to engage again this, you are the troll.
If you just vote and give your opinion, as u said, just saying yes or no to the poll, we wont still talking more about it. Its funny see how you point others of doing something bad when you are currently doing it. And again, as I said before, when I didnt want to discuss it anymore, im done of it. You can still putting more words in my mouth, dont care anymore. And please again, read!

Ricardo is not active day to day any longer. I’m not sure if he ever drops in here anymore or not.

Lol. Oh @Undume, just for fun lets put together your posts before I responded shall we? In order:

You never really answered the survey, just start blabbering on about how he is manipulating people, trying to school people on “truth”, etc. I answered the survey and questioned why you were accusing him of “despising oriental developers”. Come on man, seriously.

Thanks slackmoehrle. I would love to see Ricardo fork it. That sounds dirty than intended.

You still not reading hehe just still trolling :smiley:

I just will say again, that landing page of cocos2d-x is very wrong in overall direction…

And these words really scare me:

I just need a clean cocos2d-x with C++ only. No glitchy editor please! And no other unused bindings(scripting/js-bindings and all around should be removed!) and so on. No merging with cocos2d-x lite which serves for cocos creator ideology.

Actually what would be perfect, is that in cocos2d-x C++ v4.0 many things needed for any scripts, js and support for cocos creator - will be removed(or not added)! So it will became more cleaner and easy to use!
Well, list of things which really needed to be removed is huge and already was described before.

And all that: creator, js and scripts whatever… just should be separated as some other web site, about which I don’t care, because I will never use it and never want to hear anything about it. And yes, cocos2dx-lite - let it be just js only or whatever. Main thing is that it should not affect to cocos2d-x C++ and live alone.


Also, a few words about editor’s. Cocos studio 1 and 2 - closed source and abandoned. Why? Because was really buggy and glitchy. I don’t know which tools was used to developed it, but looking at GUI - it’s not that quality and stability which for example Qt can give you, but UX and UI should be at same quality level…

Just a suggestion, but why aren’t you guys breaking away from cocos2d-x right now by cloning the repo, cutting out all the unneeded things until you end up with a pure, minimal c++ version of the engine? You are free to do so as everything is licensed under MIT. I’m sure you would find lots of contributors since the c++ part is still very popular.

…At least that’s what I would do if I weren’t switching to godot for my next project.