VideoPlayer cannot play video on iOS using CC2.0.1

Hello all.

I’m trying to play a mp4 file with VideoPlayer component, but failed.
According to the example case 09_videoplayer in example-cases project, I used a script to listen the VideoPlayer’s event callback. But nothing happen.

And I test it on Chrome. It works fine.
Does the Vedioplayer only support on web? or something I’m missing.


if I set:
this.videoplayer.clip = this.clipAsset;
and log the this.videoplayer._impl._video.error.code
the code is 1

I use the example-case project, and setting build platform is iOS.
When I run it on device, the video did’t show.

In Document, It says:
Currently this component is only available on Web(Both PC and Mobile), iOS and Android.

Could someone can tell me where was wrong. Thanks!!!