[v2.2.6] CCArray of CCStrings

I recall that at one point I was using a mutant version of CCArray that was holding only CCStrings.

Does anyone recall what it is called? Is it part of Cocos2d-x, or was it part of that other project?

I know really great classes like “CCPointArray” were hidden down in weird places like CCActionCatmullRom.h and I think “CCStringArray” or whatever it is called is hidden somewhere too.

I hate to post this random stuff but … I figure it there are any old-school CC2d-x ppl who remember v2.2.6 they are here


Yes there was a weird __ccArray?????? class or set of classes.
There was also CCArray which was mostly used internally or faded into deprecation.

Vector (CCVector) is more common now.

If you’re actually working with 2.2.6 then if you don’t already have the full source you should just download it and do a quick search for “ccarray”, “ccpointarray”, “ccstring”, or “ccvector”.

Modern use would be to use STL std::vector<std::string> or std::vector<Vec2> instead.

Cocos2d-x was ported from cocos2d-iPhone and that’s where CCString and other oddities came from.

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