(Updated: v3.13.1 update released) Cocos2d-x v3.13 released!

Great release thanks you all !

Creating empty project:

C:\Develop>cocos new a6 -p con.mycom.a6 -l cpp
C:\Develop\a6>cocos compile -p android --ap android-19
[aapt] ERROR: Unable to open class file C:\Develop\a6\proj.android\gen\con\mycom\a6\R.java: No such file or directory

C:\Develop>cocos new a7 -l cpp
C:\Develop\a7>cocos compile -p android --ap android-19 -passed.

Also I succeed to create some (wrong?) ā€œcocos2d-x-3.13.1\prebuilt\android\armeabiā€ folder (with 129 Mb 23 ā€œ.aā€ files), but then compiler (with option ā€œ-t binaryā€) says:
ā€œAndroid NDK: C:\Cocos\Cocos2d-x/cocos2d-x-3.13.1/cocos/./prebuilt-mk/Android.mk: Cannot find module with tag ā€˜android/cpufeatures/prebuilt-mkā€™ in import pathā€ - maybe I do something wrong.

  1. AndroidManifest.xml :
    <meta-data android:name="android.app.lib_name" android:value="MyGame" />
    Now app do not start, if value is not ā€œMyGameā€. In version 3.10 it was ā€œcocos2dcppā€.
    But in file CMakeLists.txt : ā€œset(APP_NAME MyGame)ā€ - this may be changed without crashing the app.

  2. Now (with 3.13 v.) my tablet sometimes deadly freeze because of full-screen.
    With version 3.10 I get the same rezult only after I tried to make app full-screen by modifying
    by calling
    glSurfaceView.setSystemUiVisibility( 0 | Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN//ok | Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION // this may crash the app | Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE | Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY//ok | Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE | Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN//ok | Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION//ok?????????? | Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE //ok );
    at event
    @Override public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus)

  3. New stuff: In new version adding sprite twice make app crash
    m_sprite = Sprite::create("doggy_R_prof_neck_g.png"); this->addChild(m_sprite , some_number); ... this->addChild(m_sprite , some_another_number); // now this make app crash;

Dear all,

Excuse me to return to my subject (visual studio android project with cocos2d-x 3.13) : I remarked something interresting in android.mk, which is used (if I understand) to compile cocoƧs2d-x on android :

1. The curl library is not imported on android : if you take a look at the last lines of android.mk, you can see that all the libraries are importedā€¦ Except curl which is commented !

$(call import-module,android/cpufeatures)
$(call import-module,freetype2/prebuilt/android)
$(call import-module,platform/android)
$(call import-module,png/prebuilt/android)
$(call import-module,zlib/prebuilt/android)
$(call import-module,jpeg/prebuilt/android)
$(call import-module,tiff/prebuilt/android)
$(call import-module,webp/prebuilt/android)
$(call import-module,chipmunk/prebuilt/android)
$(call import-module,3d)
$(call import-module,audio/android)
$(call import-module,editor-support/cocosbuilder)
$(call import-module,editor-support/cocostudio)
$(call import-module,editor-support/spine)
$(call import-module,network)
$(call import-module,ui)
$(call import-module,extensions)
$(call import-module,Box2D)
$(call import-module,bullet)
$(call import-module,recast)
# $(call import-module,curl/prebuilt/android)
$(call import-module,websockets/prebuilt/android)
$(call import-module,flatbuffers)

2. There is not all source files useds in this make file : are some libraries used as prebuilt for android ??

So I donā€™t understand why the visual studio android project does not use the same strategy as the android makefileā€¦ And I think this is the reason why it donā€™t work since my problem is on the LibCurl and it seems to be used differently to build on android in Android.mk.

Can somebody help me :disappointed_relieved:?

Thanks by advance :grinning:

Classes\AppDelegate.cpp file :

FileUtils::getInstance()->addSearchPath("res"); // I really missed this in newer version - without it my app crashes! :( register_all_packages(); // new line appeared in newer version; auto scene = HelloWorld::createScene();

Iā€™ve get, why may drawed things remain the same, but all sprites reduced about twice:
glview->setDesignResolutionSize() and director->setContentScaleFactor() in ā€œAppDelegate.cppā€ should be all commented - in my case of project.

Also as I get, v.3.13.1 is less safety than 3.10 (for me):

  1. You canā€™t do anymore things like:
    SomeClass * p = 0; SomeClass * p2 = 0; p->someFunction( p2 ); // - looks like it was ok in v.3.10
  2. Even empty project has ~20% chance to crash at start - itā€™s unacceptable, please fix that.

Why canā€™t you?

Can you back this up more? I am not seeing this.


I am sorry, I can not help you since I use a visual studio only for win32 projects.

Why do not you want to use eclipse or android studio?

Also be careful with android-23 version.


What android version are you using for compile? What android version of your device?

Thank you for your message Magniffect.

I want to use VS 2015 because itā€™s the IDE I use most (and so Iā€™m efficient with itā€¦ I hope :joy:)ā€¦ And I think itā€™s very confortable to be able to debug Win32, Win10 and android from the same IDE.

And you must know that yesterday I find a solution : finally I tried to build with android-19 API (since itā€™s the minimum actual target for a game) : and with android-19 API, the errors with the VS 2015 project was that these functions ā€“ getpwuid_r, signal, tcsetattr, tcgetattr ā€“ seems to be not implemented in android API-19 ! And these functions are used by the new libcurl and libcrypto prebuilt for android in the cocos2d-x 3.13 release, so the linker failed when it search for these function and it caused some undefined references errors.

And the only solution I found is to temporary (or not if nobody find a better solution), use the whole cocos2d-x 3.13 version, but with these 2 libraries android prebuilt files of the cocos2d-x 3.12 version (on 3.12 the VS android solution worked, and so it means these 2 libraries did not use the unreferenced functions).

And this solution worked, Iā€™m now able to compile and debug the android version of my game on my phone with VS 2015ā€¦ YES :grin::fireworks:

If somebody wants to have some details on my adventures you can take a look here : https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2016/07/12/cocos2d-x-visual-studio-android-project/

Thanks a lot for all comments and help :sunglasses:


I am glad that you have found the solution, and thanks for sharing. :sunny:

How can I check that fo sure?
Trying to create and use ā€œprebuiltā€, Iā€™ve change ā€œproject.propertiesā€:
# Project target. target=android-19 # it was target=android-10

Upd: So, to compile I use
C:\Develop\some_game>cocos compile -p android --ap android-19

Device android version is 4.4.2

@slackmoehrle I will check that once more, but my app begun to crash and stopped (to crash), after I added (normal for old-school C) checks like:
if (p_Node && p_Sprite) p_Node->addChold( p_Sprite );

Also I admit empty project app begun to freeze on my device when built with 3.13 or 3.13.1 - the same begun to happen in 3.10 only after I tried to force app to go to full_screen. I will check that once more.
That happen on android 4.4.2 device. On android 2.3.6 device - all ok, no freeze, so I decided itā€™s problem in new SDK switch; for 3.10 I used something like that:
if(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19) glSurfaceView.setSystemUiVisibility( 0 | Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN//ok | Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION // this may freeze the device | Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE | Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY//ok | Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE | Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN//ok | Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION//ok?????????? | Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE //ok );

Another new problem - using ā€œcocos run ā€¦ā€ may freeze my device, so I avoid that freeze by using ā€œcocos compileā€. After compile I install apk on device manually, and it may run ok or prompt nicely something like ā€œerror in Applicationā€ - depending on bugs in my code.

Upd: I apologize, at now I can not reproduce device freeze with empty new project; but my app make device freeze sometimes.
Upd-2: I modified new empty project, and few times I get device freezeā€¦ Trying to find out what affects it.
Upd-3: Label * label0 = 0; this->addChild(label0, 40); // in HelloWorld::init() freezes the device; going to find other reasons.

so you are saying if I make a stock cocos new ... and add a Label just how you did, it will freeze my device?

The same ā€œa1-debug.apkā€ has to output 3 Labels and 4-th Label is null, I add it (like others) to Scene:

  • on GT-I9003 Android 2.3.6 device - no output, no crash, app closes itself after ~45-15 seconds; or pressing Home - OS is working properly after that.
  • on Android 4.4.2 device - black screen, device freeze, restarting after ~45 seconds.
  • on GT-I9301I Android 4.4.2 device - no output, no crash, app closes itself after ~5 seconds with prompt ā€œUnfortunately, a1 has stoppedā€; OS is working properly after that.

Update: I used command cocos compile -p android --ap android-19 (with v.3.13.1)
Next going to do same with v.3.12

Can you post your class where you do this so I can just drop it into a coocs new ..?

Classes.zip (4.9 KB) - Here they are - default but modified a bit: removed setContentScaleFactor and GLViewImpl::create() used instead of GLViewImpl::createWithRect().

Update: with same command cocos compile -p android --ap android-19 (with v.3.12):

  • on GT-I9003 Android 2.3.6 device - no output, no crash, app closes itself after ~15 seconds;
  • on Android 4.4.2 device - no output, no crash, app closes itself after ~5 seconds with prompt;
  • on GT-I9301I Android 4.4.2 device - no output, no crash, app closes itself after ~5 seconds with prompt;

Upd: http://discuss.cocos2d-x.org:/uploads/default/original/2X/4/4ada1834c1f7da8be401b4723909ee4f2ee81e74.mov - here is ā€œcocos v.3.12ā€ compiled with ā€œā€“ap android-19ā€ apk (renamed as ā€˜movā€™) - it starts ok and closes nicely on all my devices.
http://discuss.cocos2d-x.org:/uploads/default/original/2X/c/cfba03c0d1bf2aa406d593760a9a5b7f3f2b2c8f.mov - here is ā€œa1-debug.apkā€ - ā€œcocos v.3.13.1ā€ compiled with ā€œā€“ap android-19ā€ apk - it freezes my ARIES_101v2 device.
ā€”update: I really wander, is there any other device which freeze from this apk?

appreciate it.

14 posts were split to a new topic: V3.13.1 and Design Resolution issues

Hello. Once more about my troubles:

I tested the following ā€œbadā€ code. When built with 3.13.1 with commands
cocos compile -p android or cocos compile -p android --ap android-19

  • it freeze my device ARIES_101v2 on Android 4.4.2. Device is not rooted; ā€œdeveloper optionā€ is turned on.

ā€œnull->ā€ and ā€œ->nullā€ code examples nicely close the app on most devices, but at ARIES_101v2 - they freezes the device.

At very first start (after install or device restart) ā€œwhile-1ā€ and ā€œfor-50Mā€ code examples works fine, but at the second start - they freezes the device at once.

Code examples:
I create the new empty project, and add the ā€œbadā€ code just after
bool HelloWorld::init() { if ( !Layer::init() ) { return false; }

the ā€œbad codeā€ lines (I tried them by one - not all together):

Label * label0 = 0; this->addChild(label0, 40); // closes the app on others devices, but on this - freeze the whole device == Android OS at first start;

Label * label0 = 0; label0->setVisible(1); // closes the app on others devices, but on this - freeze the whole device == Android OS at first start;

for (int t = 1; t < 50; t++) for (int r = 1; r < 1000000; r++) int eee=5; // 50 millions cycle - starts nicely, but at second start it freezes the whole device == Android OS at second start;

while (1); // always loop - freeze the app (it's ok); but at second start it freezes the whole device == Android OS;

On same ARIES_101v2 Iā€™ve tested ā€œnull->nullā€ code examples, compiled with 3.10 - they nicely stops the app and do not freeze the device.
Going to test them with cocos SDK 3.11.

I donā€™t think it is reasonable to expect either Cocos2dx or Android to continue working fine after passing in null values.

This is not a bug or a problem. In my opinion it is expected behavior to get unexpected behavior when we pass invalid parameters.

Neither cocos2dx, or the graphics drivers, or Android can check for null everywhere or cases like invalid typecasts or invalid texture ids etcā€¦ In theory it might be possible, but practically is not possible to verify everything and even if it was, there is no benefit of doing it.

On most devices ā€œnull->ā€ and ā€œ->nullā€ code examples nicely close the app. I agree it is expected behavior.
But on ARIES_101v2, the same code:

  • built with 3.10 - nicely close the app;
  • built with 3.13.1 - freezes the device. I think it almost impossible situation for Android OS, and not allowed situation for Cocos SDK.