Unity vs Cocos Creator Benchmark Test

I am concerned about the performance of the unity and the cocos creator engines.

Has someone done with the performace test as the video below?


Now, I want to work with cocos engines ( ex: cocos creator ), but I cannot find any reason to continue.

Why we choose the cocos creator engine? In my country, The Unity engine is becoming more and more popular.

But I have been working with cocos engines for a long time. Can someone give me some convincing figures regarding cocos creator (ex: benchmark,…etc…)?


I don’t have anything handy but perhaps our engineering team may, I’m not sure. I’d be happy to ask them.

We have several advantages,

  1. Our engine is open sourced, so you can control entirely what’s in the publish package
  2. Accessibility: Cocos Creator support perfectly native platforms and web platforms, and all sort of instant gaming platforms like Facebook, so your game can be exposed to more users
  3. Scripting: TypeScript make game development a lot easier than before, both in cost and in development efficiency
  4. Performance wise, it’s very well polished for both web and native platforms, if you just do bunny test, it’s surely much powerful than Unity, but I won’t say that’s an advantage, because bunny mark is not real game test case, and using different approach to implement it will largely affect the performance, for example, Unity can also do extremely well with DOTS, but no one actually need a DOTS based bunny mark in their game.
  5. Cocos Creator is free… we build our ecosystem and business model around services and platform collaborations, it’s doing quite well, so we don’t charge our developers, we are also building our assets and extension store, so that we can have a win win business model with developers.

About the future, we are currently focusing on two main target:

  1. Low cost high efficient work flow
  2. High performant native engine, including next generation graphics API, multi-thread rendering for VK and Metal, GPU driven pipeline etc.

@pandamicro Do you have in plan, to adapt cocos2d to this high performant native engine, or you concern only about Creator/Creator 3D ?

We would really like to do so, it’s just a resource bound issue, we are currently focusing on Cocos Creator development because we see great potential. Once we find extra resources we would invest into the adaptation of Cocos2d-x on the same renderer

Yes, of course, it can be understood

It gives hope anyway)

:+1: Looking forward to this…