UnicodeDecodeError while installing Sdkbox

Hi there!

I have a problem with installing Sdkbox on Windows 7:

  • when I tried to install through GUI Installer I’ve got this:
    Prepare to install SDKBox Installer, please wait…

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “”, line 1, in
    File “”, line 406, in
    File “”, line 392, in main
    File “C:\Python27\lib\ntpath.py”, line 87, in join
    result_path = result_path + p_path
    UnicodeDecodeError: ‘utf8’ codec can’t decode byte 0xd6 in position 7: invalid continuation byte

  • when I tried to install through Command-Line Installer I’ve got this:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “”, line 1, in
    File “”, line 406, in
    File “”, line 392, in main
    File “C:\Python27\lib\ntpath.py”, line 85, in join
    result_path = result_path + p_path
    UnicodeDecodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t decode byte 0xd6 in position 7: ordinal
    not in range(128)

  • when I tried to download sdkbox and then import a plugin I’ve got this:
    E:\Dev\WheelOfFortune\WheelOfFortune\build\jsb-default\sdkbox>sdkbox import facebook
    _______ ______ _ _ ______ _____ _ _
    |______ | \ |____/ |] | | _/
    | |/ | _ |
    ] |____| _/ _
    Copyright © 2016-2019 SDKBOX Inc. v1.0.3.1
    test speed of hosts…

    • test host main: 136.90KB/s.
    • test host china: 0.00KB/s.
      choose the fastest server ‘main’, speed is 136.90KB/s.
      downloading package sdkbox-facebook_v2.5.0.5.tar.gz
      [###################################] 100%
      #FATAL: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 9-12: ordinal not in
      Installation failed :frowning:
      Error in atexit._run_exitfuncs:
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File “C:\Python27\lib\atexit.py”, line 24, in _run_exitfuncs
      func(*targs, **kargs)
      File “monolith.py”, line 8331, in at_exit
      File “monolith.py”, line 8385, in write_log
      UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 35-38: ord
      inal not in range(128)
      Error in sys.exitfunc:
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File “C:\Python27\lib\atexit.py”, line 24, in _run_exitfuncs
      func(*targs, **kargs)
      File “monolith.py”, line 8331, in at_exit
      File “monolith.py”, line 8385, in write_log
      UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 35-38: ord
      inal not in range(128)
  • I also tried to install sdkbox through Cocos Creator ( Open the Build panel from the Menu bar -> Project . Select iOS/Android in the Platform of the Build panel, tick SDKBox, and then click Build) but after build is completed I’ve got “update SDKBox Installer” text and infinite loading.

I saw this topic and it seems I have the same problem because my windows account also use non English characters (cyrillic). But there is no working solution for me in there.

So, is there any way to install SdkBox without changing windows account?


could you plz help to run with command:

sdkbox import facebook -vv

I want more information to fix this issue.

Sure, here it is:
misc scientificrevenue ethwallet chartboost googleanalytics review gpg googlepl
ayservices anysdk fyber tune sdkboxplay iap unityads share sdkboxads apteligent
amazon firebase facebook SDKBOX tapcore sdkboxadsplus youtube appnext admob game
room onesignal adcolony
cocos2d-x installation directory unknown
cocos2d-x header directory unknown
cocos2d-x installation version unknown
looking for cocos2d.h at E:/Dev/WheelOfFortune/WheelOfFortune/build/jsb-default
cocos2d-x project root E:/Dev/WheelOfFortune/WheelOfFortune/build/jsb-default/
fallback to cocos project search False
cocos2d-x project type js
loaded package manifest
loaded cocos project
iOS project dirs [‘E:/Dev/WheelOfFortune/WheelOfFortune/build/jsb-default/frame
failed to load xcode project
Win32 project dirs: [‘E:/Dev/WheelOfFortune/WheelOfFortune/build/jsb-default/fr
Win32 project files: [‘E:/Dev/WheelOfFortune/WheelOfFortune/build/jsb-default/f
loaded visual studio project
failed to load android project
load android studio project
supported projects cocos visual studio android studio
package base name facebook
downloading package sdkbox-facebook_v2.5.0.5.tar.gz
[###################################] 100%
downloaded package source C:/Users/Царь/.sdkbox/plugins/sdkbox-facebook_v2.5.0.
setting plugin source to C:/Users/Царь/.sdkbox/plugins/sdkbox-facebook_v2.5.0.5
extracting to C:/Users/Царь/.sdkbox/plugins/
removing archived package C:/Users/Царь/.sdkbox/plugins/sdkbox-facebook_v2.5.0.
SHA1 of downloaded package dccba8941dfe729670339cb57f0c2e1593255772
adding to backup .sdkbox_packages.json.6jrwoLMt.sdkbox.temp as E:/Dev/WheelOfFo
found sdkbox.package at C:/Users/Царь/.sdkbox/plugins/sdkbox-facebook_v2.5.0.5/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “monolith.py”, line 10509, in
File “monolith.py”, line 10484, in main
File “monolith.py”, line 8489, in perform
File “monolith.py”, line 9162, in main
File “monolith.py”, line 8489, in perform
File “monolith.py”, line 10150, in cmd_import
UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 9-12: ordi
nal not in range(128)
Performing at_exit cleanup.
Tracking: {‘cocos_installation’: ‘unknown’, ‘sdkbox_version’: ‘’, 'cocos
‘: ‘3.13.0’, ‘args’: {‘verbose’: 2, ‘legacy’: None, ‘installer’: ‘E:/Dev/WheelOf
Fortune/WheelOfFortune/build/jsb-default/sdkbox/sdkbox.pyc’, ‘manifest’: ‘manife
st.json’, ‘nopatching’: 0, ‘runin’: None, ‘patcherrors’: 0, ‘project’: ‘E:/Dev/W
heelOfFortune/WheelOfFortune/build/jsb-default/sdkbox/’, ‘noupdate’: 0, ‘project
path’: None, ‘silenttime’: None, ‘platform’: None, ‘mvalue’: None, ‘input’: None
, ‘nopatchingcpp’: 0, ‘local’: 0, ‘nohelp’: 0, ‘dryrun’: None, ‘jsonapi’: 0, ‘sy
mbol’: None, ‘apitoken’: None, ‘key’: None, ‘mkey’: None, ‘info’: None, ‘remote’
: 1, ‘forcecopy’: 0, ‘plugin’: u’C:/Users/\u0426\u0430\u0440\u044c/.sdkbox/plugi
ns/sdkbox-facebook_v2.5.0.5/’, ‘days’: 10, ‘server’: ‘download.sdkbox.com/instal
ler/v1/’, ‘forcedownload’: 0, ‘command’: ‘import’, ‘alwaysupdate’: 0, ‘output’:
None}, ‘return_status’: None}
Error in atexit._run_exitfuncs:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Python27\lib\atexit.py”, line 24, in _run_exitfuncs
func(*targs, **kargs)
File “monolith.py”, line 8331, in at_exit
File “monolith.py”, line 8385, in write_log
UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 35-38: ord
inal not in range(128)
Error in sys.exitfunc:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Python27\lib\atexit.py”, line 24, in _run_exitfuncs
func(*targs, **kargs)
File “monolith.py”, line 8331, in at_exit
File “monolith.py”, line 8385, in write_log
UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can’t encode characters in position 35-38: ord
inal not in range(128)

My python version: Python 2.7.15

Also I created another windows account but with english characters this time and sdkbox gui works fine. But it would be great if I could use sdkbox from my current account.

sdkbox_installer.zip (305.4 KB)
plz help to test with this installer.



  • through sdkbox import facebook:

    E:\Dev\WheelOfFortune\WheelOfFortune\build\jsb-default\sdkbox>sdkbox import face
    _______ ______ _ _ ______ _____ _ _
    |______ | \ |____/ |] | | _/
    | |/ | _ |
    ] |____| _/ _
    Copyright © 2016-2019 SDKBOX Inc. v1.0.3.1
    test speed of hosts…

    • test host main: 251.90KB/s.
    • test host china: 0.00KB/s.
      choose the fastest server ‘main’, speed is 251.90KB/s.
      #FATAL: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘C:/Users/\xd0\xa6\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80
      Installation failed :frowning:
  • through sdkbox import facebook -vv:

    misc scientificrevenue ethwallet chartboost googleanalytics review gpg googlepl
    ayservices anysdk fyber tune sdkboxplay iap unityads share sdkboxads apteligent
    amazon firebase facebook SDKBOX tapcore sdkboxadsplus youtube appnext admob game
    room onesignal adcolony
    cocos2d-x installation directory unknown
    cocos2d-x header directory unknown
    cocos2d-x installation version unknown
    looking for cocos2d.h at E:/Dev/WheelOfFortune/WheelOfFortune/build/jsb-default
    cocos2d-x project root E:/Dev/WheelOfFortune/WheelOfFortune/build/jsb-default/
    fallback to cocos project search False
    cocos2d-x project type js
    loaded package manifest
    loaded cocos project
    iOS project dirs [‘E:/Dev/WheelOfFortune/WheelOfFortune/build/jsb-default/frame
    failed to load xcode project
    Win32 project dirs: [‘E:/Dev/WheelOfFortune/WheelOfFortune/build/jsb-default/fr
    Win32 project files: [‘E:/Dev/WheelOfFortune/WheelOfFortune/build/jsb-default/f
    loaded visual studio project
    failed to load android project
    load android studio project
    supported projects cocos visual studio android studio
    package base name facebook
    skipping download of sdkbox-facebook_v2.5.0.5.tar.gz, already exists as C:/User
    setting plugin source to C:/Users/Царь/.sdkbox/plugins/sdkbox-facebook_v2.5.0.5
    SHA1 of downloaded package dccba8941dfe729670339cb57f0c2e1593255772
    adding to backup .sdkbox_packages.json.Hnd0GLkI.sdkbox.temp as E:/Dev/WheelOfFo
    found sdkbox.package at C:/Users/Царь/.sdkbox/plugins/sdkbox-facebook_v2.5.0.5/
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “monolith.py”, line 10511, in
    File “monolith.py”, line 10486, in main
    File “monolith.py”, line 8491, in perform
    File “monolith.py”, line 9164, in main
    File “monolith.py”, line 8491, in perform
    File “monolith.py”, line 10152, in cmd_import
    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘C:/Users/\xd0\xa6\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80
    Performing at_exit cleanup.
    Tracking: {‘cocos_installation’: ‘unknown’, ‘sdkbox_version’: ‘’, 'cocos
    ‘: ‘3.13.0’, ‘args’: {‘verbose’: 2, ‘legacy’: None, ‘installer’: ‘E:/Dev/WheelOf
    Fortune/WheelOfFortune/build/jsb-default/sdkbox/sdkbox.pyc’, ‘manifest’: ‘manife
    st.json’, ‘nopatching’: 0, ‘runin’: None, ‘patcherrors’: 0, ‘project’: ‘E:/Dev/W
    heelOfFortune/WheelOfFortune/build/jsb-default/sdkbox/’, ‘noupdate’: 0, ‘project
    path’: None, ‘silenttime’: None, ‘platform’: None, ‘mvalue’: None, ‘input’: None
    , ‘nopatchingcpp’: 0, ‘local’: 0, ‘nohelp’: 0, ‘dryrun’: None, ‘jsonapi’: 0, ‘sy
    mbol’: None, ‘apitoken’: None, ‘key’: None, ‘mkey’: None, ‘info’: None, ‘remote’
    : 1, ‘forcecopy’: 0, ‘plugin’: u’C:/Users/\u0426\u0430\u0440\u044c/.sdkbox/plugi
    ns/sdkbox-facebook_v2.5.0.5/’, ‘days’: 10, ‘server’: ‘download.sdkbox.com/instal
    ler/v1/’, ‘forcedownload’: 0, ‘command’: ‘import’, ‘alwaysupdate’: 0, ‘output’:
    None}, ‘return_status’: None}

It seems that your user name is not english char.

could you plz copy C:/Users/\xd0\xa6\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80 \xd1\x8c/.sdkbox/plugins/sdkbox-facebook_v2.5.0.5/ folder to E:/sdkbox-facebook_v2.5.0.5,
then run command:

sdkbox import E:/sdkbox-facebook_v2.5.0.5

It seems that I dont have such directory:

But if I download plugin bundle manually and then run

E:\Dev\WheelOfFortune\WheelOfFortune\build\jsb-default\sdkbox>sdkbox import E:\SDKBox\sdkbox-facebook_v2.5.0.5

It seems all installs fine:

 Please reference the online documentation to finish the integration: http://sdkbox-doc.github.io/en/plugins/facebook/v3-js/
 Installation Successful :)

@yinjimmy, thank you very much! I will test plugin whether it works in my case or not and reply in this topic asap. :slight_smile: Aslo I think it would be great if SdkBox GUI could be installed on Windows accounts with non-english characters cause it’s much more comfortable to work from it. :upside_down_face:

yes, we are fixing this issue.

can you try this version?

sdkbox_installer.zip (307.5 KB)