Uncaught TypeError: this._spriteFrame.getTexture is not a function - Cocos Creator 2.4.5

Hi Everyone,

I’m trying to dynamically change the spriteframe of one of my nodes using the following code:

var sprite = newAchievementObject.achievementSymbol.getComponent(cc.Sprite);
sprite.spriteFrame = achievementSymbol;

“achievementSymbol” is defined directly from the canvas and is a .png file in the resources folder; however, I get the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: this._spriteFrame.getTexture is not a function

I’m running Cocos Creator 2.4.5.

Does anyone know what causes an error like this? Thanks for your help!

Log Output:

Uncaught TypeError: this._spriteFrame.getTexture is not a function
at cc_Sprite._updateMaterial (cocos2d-js-for-preview.js:33289)
at cc_Sprite._applySpriteFrame (cocos2d-js-for-preview.js:33318)
at cc_Sprite.set [as spriteFrame] (cocos2d-js-for-preview.js:33169)
at Menu.addAchievement (eval at (quick_compile.js:238), :1370:24)
at Menu.addRootAchievements (eval at (quick_compile.js:238), :1261:14)
at Menu.onLoad (eval at (quick_compile.js:238), :574:10)
at eval (eval at createInvokeImpl (cocos2d-js-for-preview.js:27772), :3:65)
at CCClass._invoke (cocos2d-js-for-preview.js:27776)
at CCClass.invoke (cocos2d-js-for-preview.js:27726)
at CCClass.activateNode (cocos2d-js-for-preview.js:39342)

texture is property get and set, just use:

@baontg93_gemi , thanks for your response. I’ve gone through CCSprite.js and replaced instances of .getTexture() with just .texture; however, the same error still appears even though the change has been made:


Do you know what’s causing this?