Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: fullscreen error

I am using cocos creator 1.10

When my game run on Chrome 71 and Android browser I get the following error

cocos2d-js-min.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: fullscreen error
    at Object.requestFullScreen (cocos2d-js-min.js:1)
    at Object.autoFullScreen (cocos2d-js-min.js:1)
    at enableAutoFullScreen (cocos2d-js-min.js:1)
    at Object.onStart (main.js:320)
    at g.<anonymous> (cocos2d-js-min.js:1)
    at cocos2d-js-min.js:1
    at cocos2d-js-min.js:1

The game basically hangs after this error.
I didn’t have this error few days back.

I did following as some of the forums suggested it. But I am still getting the error.

// cc.view.enableAutoFullScreen([
                    //     cc.sys.BROWSER_TYPE_BAIDU,
                    //     cc.sys.BROWSER_TYPE_WECHAT,
                    //     cc.sys.BROWSER_TYPE_MOBILE_QQ,
                    //     cc.sys.BROWSER_TYPE_MIUI,
                    // ].indexOf(cc.sys.browserType) < 0);


Can anyone suggest a workaround for this?

@Big_Bear may be able to help us with this.

I literally posted this yesterday with several links to forum posts with the same issue from the Chinese forums

it is a bug of chrome device simulation tool with chrome version 71,the simulation tool can not compatible some features,and the web-mobile package will works well at real device.

@Big_Bear ooh, that’s very nice to hear!

Thanks for your response and have a nice day! :slight_smile:

So do we have to set this to false or keep the code as it is ?

no need for that

It will work well on real devices, but I think it become a problem when we want to release our game on facebook instant. Is there any way to fix it? @Big_Bear do you have any idea?