TravisCI does not work - Github Actions

Travis CI is not free any more. I setup github action for win/linux/max/ios/android

Could you ask engineering to merge this pull request

and than click to
Actions · cocos2d/cocos2d-x · GitHub and setup github action - (click button enable github action for this repo)

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Sure. Let me put it in front of them. I don’t know what their QA process entails entirely.

What is good that most of build passed. The problem is with mac and ios. It looks like cocos2dx does not support the latest mac and xcode. Does any one know how to fix it?

  ubuntu-18_04: OK
  ubuntu-20_04: Failed -
  windows-2019: OK
  windows-2022: OK
  macos-10_15: Failed - latest xcode not supported
  macos-11: Failed - latest xcode not supported
  macos-10_15_ios: Failed ??
  macos-11_ios: Failed ??
  windows-2019-android: OK
  ubuntu-20_04-android: OK

Please check errors from my fork:

There is another PR with GitHub Actions for branch V4.

Could you merge it as well?
The same issue like for V3 - It looks like cocos2dx does not support the latest mac and xcode.

@slackmoehrle Thank GitHub actions enables.

Could you ask engineers to merge this PR?

It fixes mac build for latest xcode.

Yup I have asked for this thread to be reviewed.

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