[Totally Free]Cocos Shader Demos for Beginners

Hello everyone.
I am Mr.Kylin, a man who is always willing to share.

I am so happy to say that I have written a list of demos of Cocos Shader for beginners.

All you guys can get it from Cocos Store for free. https://store.cocos.com/app/en/detail/3521

Here is a simple introduction about it below:

Development Environment

  • Cocos Creator:v3.4.0
  • Programming Language:TypeScript

Primary Contents

  • Texture Distortion
  • Texutre Animation based on Shader
  • Cubemap with mask and distortion
  • Custom Clip Plane
  • Dual-Side Material

How to use

  • 1、Open project with Cocos Creator 3.4.1
  • 2、Locate to assets/tutorial folder
  • 3、scene named with tutorial-* are the demos you need


Feb222022 203118.gif

Jan182022 011111.gif

Jan182022 011146.gif

Jan152022 130142.gif

Jan152022 125705.gif

Jan182022 011542.gif

if anyone has any problem about it, please feel free to let me know.


Fantastic, great work!

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thanks, bro!

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Hi, how to make the border of the sprite or spine green? like outliner

Hi, bro.
Could you show me a picture of the effect you want?

Like glow the images corners.