There's a problem with the property in the inspector!

hi im korean developer!

To me, single-tone component A and
There is a generic component B that uses an instance of A.

Attach A and B components to different game objects.
If you try to put B in A’s Property,

The inspector is null and not working properly.

What should I do?


import B from '...';
class A extends cc.Component{
    private static instance : A = null;
    public static get Instance() : A {
        return this.instance;
    public b : B = null;
    public helloWorld() {
        console.log("Hello World");

import A from '...';
class B extends cc.Component {
    onLoad() {


Please try the newly released 2.4.1

If you’re using a custom class that isn’t a component as your property, you need to tell Cocos Creator how to serialize it. You should use @ccclass('MyClassName') to define the serialized name for the class.

Also, yeah there’s issue with cyclic imports which is probably what you’re referring to here. A imports B and B imports A, and that doesn’t work so well in Cocos Creator. @slackmoehrle Is this issue fixed in 2.4.1?

Yes, it seems to be fixed in 2.4.1. Just tried it. It was quite a pain honestly to import inline as a workaround. (using import inside the code and not at the top)

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Thanks! im solved this problem!

Hi !
I am having this exact same problem but I’am in version 2.4.2 and using Typescript, is there any workaround?

Example code:

export default class DialogController extends cc.Component{

public dialogUI: DialogUIController = null;

and in the other:

    export default class DialogUIController extends cc.Component {
    public controller: DialogController = null;


I think you need to add the class name after @ccclass
so like
