The problem with the distribution of 3rd-party libs on win32

If you plan to release your game under win32, be careful with the 3rd-party libs, as they are compiled using c++ runtime dependencies of different versions of Visual Studio, such as msvcr110.dll, msvcr120.dll and one of dll’s even with msvcr120D.dll. For those who do not want to have problems with the distribution of their games in Win32, I have prepared a set of such libraries without any dependencies at all (actually i’m even prepared a static versions of those libs for myself, to be able to create standalone exe without any dll’s, but static linking probably could broke some foss licenses, so i’m not include static libs in this package), so you can compile your game in any version of Visual Studio you like, and distribute your game with only one version of mscvredist.exe:
Google drive 3rd-party-libs

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