Texture polygon tutorial

Hi All!
I wrote a short tutorial on how to create texture polygon. It covers also how to create complex polygons with box2d using triangulation. You can have a look at the tutorial (http://www.pix2d.com/2014/02/texture-polygons-cocos2d-x) and clone the example project on github (https://github.com/pix2dgames/texpoly).
Hope it’s useful! :slight_smile:

Anyone had the time to check the tutorial? Any comments/suggestions are welcome! :slight_smile:
PS: If anyone’s interested I’ll make another tutorial on using liquidfun (http://google.github.io/liquidfun) with cocos2dx.
Regards, Laurent

Thank you so much for the tutorial. Can you please make a tutorial of liquidfun and cocos2dx?
PS: English or Spanish what ever you want, but please share your knowledge about this!

Thanks! Exactly what I was looking for!

Great tutorial.

Wow, nice tutorial it’s very helpful. I would like to see liquidfun tutorial it would be great if you would make that :slight_smile:


This is the correct link for the textured polygon tutorial.

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Hey, thanks for your comment. I forgot to update the link in my original post :wink:

Actually for those who don’t need physics. You can use PolygonInfo class from newer engine version (e.g. Cocos2d-x 3.9) to draw Sprites of polygon shapes. Here is an example for one triangle: