(SOLVED)Thanks to cocos2dx community

Hi to everyone,

Please answer my question. I searched all the related topics on this but didn’t find any solution.

(SOLVED)Background image is not covering full screen on android device in coco2dx v3.3

I try to answer all the questions I can, but there is SOOO much variety with Cocos. Questions regarding C++, Javascript, Lua, and occasionally Java and Objective C. Cocos Studio, Code IDE. iOS, Android, Windows, OSX.

OK thanks for your reply. Can you answer my question ?

Please learn patience. Users aren’t paid for their contributions, they do it to help - expecting an answer within 24 hours (especially taking into account time zones) just isn’t reasonable.

For best results, explain your problem carefully, remembering we can’t see your code or screen unless you include it in the post.

There are many posts on this forum that discuss the topic of your question, in some detail - you said you read the tutorials etc. but didn’t get any success, but don’t explain in what way.

it is great you have started your first topic, and hopefully you will answer other peoples questions in the future - but please, don’t spoil things by posting your second ever topic with a whinge!